Leaders Focus On People, Managers Focus On Production. Which One Are You?


A lot of people get the definition of leaders and managers confused. Many people think that leader and manager are synonymous with one another and can be used as interchangeable definitions. In reality managers and leaders are two very different people and the definition of manager and leader is the total opposite of one another.

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

The true definition of management is the act or skill of directing, controlling, handling, deciding and overseeing people. Is this the way you want to handled or directed when you are part of a team?

Leadership on the other hand is influencing, developing, coaching, guiding, mentoring and supervising people. You lead people, you manage things. Both are important, but two very different things. Two different skill sets.

Another definition of leadership is: Your ability to influence others to achieve a desired goal. That is something anyone can do, no matter their position you have in the organizational structure.

Managers try to find answers, while leaders will always ask questions. Not only ask questions, but then listen to the response. The higher you go up in an organization, the better listener you need to become.



Ken Filler
Leadership Today Insights for Tomorrow’s Success

Ghostwriter. Speaker, Inspiring leaders and everyday people on how to live a productive life in this busy world. Contact me at jamior662002@yahoo.com