Taking Care Of Yourself Is The Best Thing You Can Do As A Leader


Make sure the outside is a good reflection of the inside of you — Jim Rohn.

Photo by Fortune Vieyra on Unsplash

If you are a leader in your company or someone who aspires to be a leader, ensure you return to this quote often.

I am a big believer in taking care of yourself first. It doesn’t matter your profession; if you don’t prioritize yourself and take care of your health, you will suffer the consequences.

Personal development is one of the many things all leaders should work on every day.

Staying in shape and caring for yourself falls under the personal development umbrella.

If your employees look at you and see someone that physically doesn’t seem to be up to the job’s demands, this can have a devastating effect on your team.

Make sure that part of what you do as a leader is setting an excellent example for your team.

Here are some benefits of a great outside appearance related to those you lead and interact with daily.

Positive non-verbal communication

Non-verbal Communication: Your external appearance can convey messages about your character and professionalism. When your appearance aligns with your inner qualities, it reinforces your message and facilitates…



Ken Filler
Leadership Today Insights for Tomorrow’s Success

Ghostwriter. Speaker, Inspiring leaders and everyday people on how to live a productive life in this busy world. Contact me at jamior662002@yahoo.com