The *only* thing you need

Ed Pike
Leadership Wizdom


Bite sized leadership advice

Good leadership trumps a great change plan.

You cannot fill the vacuum of leadership, yet the passion and conviction of leaders can make changes without a formal plan.

Every day changes happen in organisations because a leader has the passsion for them. They happen without a change plan, or project team.

A Poor Plan and Weak Conviction: Prepare to fail, secure yourself another project or role quickly, your safety is at threat.

A Great Plan and Weak Conviction: You may get lucky, but it is like throwing spaghetti on a wall, some may stick, most will not.

If you have Weak Conviction you really only have three tactics;

  1. build leadership capability
  2. buy in a new leader
  3. scale back your aspirations to the level of conviction

Strong Conviction, even with a poor plan works!

A credible leader with conviction does not need a strategy execution plan, their conviction will carry them and their team through.

Add Strong Conviction and a Great Plan and you can move at the speed of light. You are super-charged and your outcomes will be delivered. Success every time!

As a leader, build your leadership skills, find your conviction and be the change maker you want to be.

If you doubt whether this works in your organisation observe when a new, different leader joins a team.

How quickly do the team adapt to their style and priorities? (This is a good test of organisational adaptability)

This is part of our Leadership Wizdom series, bite sized leadership advice for leaders who wish to improve their leadership, but don’t have much time. For more indepth articles check out The Change Wizard.

We coach leaders and help their organisations become more adaptable at



Ed Pike
Leadership Wizdom

Changing the conversation about leading and managing change to help you get in the habit or working smarter not harder. Focus your efforts on what works.