Time to Play

Ed Pike
Leadership Wizdom


Bite-sized leadership advice

Playfulness is one of four activities which renew you.

Being playful reminds us of times when we were children, with few responsibilities or stresses on our time.

As adults we can become too serious, feeling an obligation to be responsible and focused 24/7, especially as we become leaders. Being playful doesn’t feel very leader-like.

When you think of playfulness you hear the sounds of children’s laughter and joy, unconstrained happiness. No worries at all.

As a form of renewal, being playful is a great way to build your resilience.

Smiling, being joyful makes you more open to others.

Some practical advice

  1. Smile
  2. Reflect on what brought you joy as a child and do more of that
  3. Think to yourself; what would your child-like self do
  4. Play on the swings, or splash in the puddle

Add playfulness to your day to increase your resilience

This is part of our Leadership Wizdom series, bite sized leadership advice for leaders who wish to improve their leadership, but don’t have much time. For more indepth articles check out The Change Wizard.

We coach leaders and help their organisations become more adaptable at www.thechangewizard.com



Ed Pike
Leadership Wizdom

Changing the conversation about leading and managing change to help you get in the habit or working smarter not harder. Focus your efforts on what works.