What are your minimums for renewal?

Ed Pike
Leadership Wizdom


Is it a walk each day, a good nights sleep, taking your lunch away from your desk?

Renewal is important to us. It recharges our batteries.

We are more likely to roll with surprises and cope with what life throws at us. It makes us better leaders, friends, partners.

We know it, yet we often don’t take the actions to renew ourselves. We set good intentions then get distracted by that oh-so-unimportant email, or other task.

We routinely don’t value ourselves and our renewal. We compromise the commitments we make to ourselves. They feel like a big thing.

We know that if we connect actions to existing habits they are more likely to stick.

Set your minimums. Is it being in bed (no devices) by 11pm, or going for a walk each day. Simple things.

Be pragmatic. Don’t commit to a daily run if you struggle to walk. Make them small, simple and achievable.

Invest in you. It is important for you to be the best of you.

Some practical advice

  1. Set your minimums. Know them!
  2. Make the renewal action small, simple and achievable
  3. Build on good habits, connect renewal to what you do now
  4. Mentally reward yourself for the benefit

This is part of our Leadership Wizdom series, bite sized leadership advice for leaders who wish to improve their leadership, but don’t have much time. For more indepth articles check out The Change Wizard.

We coach leaders and help their organisations become more adaptable at www.thechangewizard.com



Ed Pike
Leadership Wizdom

Changing the conversation about leading and managing change to help you get in the habit or working smarter not harder. Focus your efforts on what works.