What is a Software Engineering Team Leader Role?

Calvin Bushor
Leadership Life
Published in
9 min readAug 27, 2020


What is a Software Engineering Team Leader? What is a Software Engineering Manager? How are they the same? How are they different? What do they both do? Why are they important? What should I expect if I should become one someday? Am I a good fit to be one someday?

These are questions asked often when I am sitting down with people who are exploring leadership and are curious about what becoming a Software Engineering Manager or Team Leader of Software Engineering is all about.

Recently, I wrote an article titled, “What is a director role?,” and in the comments, a reader asked, “Where does the Engineering Manager role come in?” So, today, we will zoom in on the Software Engineering Manager and Software Engineering Team Leader roles to help highlight what they are, what they do, and what to expect.

Who’s wants to know?

I spend a lot of my time mentoring aspiring leaders. These are usually Software Engineers or Product Owners who have achieved a few promotions and have established themselves as the subject matter experts within their team. They often feel as if they have conquered all there is to conquer in their space and see leadership as their next obvious step. When they reach out, they ask me what their opportunities are because their eyes are set on obtaining that next…



Calvin Bushor
Leadership Life

Technologist, leader, writer. I love Crypto and building great things with great people.