Leading Lines
Leading Lines Magazine
2 min readJan 2, 2017

Raphael switches focus as he captures the vulnerability of the ex couch hopper, Daniel Hennessy in this revealing photo set.

Generally shooting motion pictures I was longing to get back into the swing of shooting stills. So I met up with my old friend Daniel to shoot some test portraits.

Reminiscing about our school days in Finchley boys, Daniel opened up about his violent history with ease while taking bites into his chicken wings. The conversation turned towards his latest piece of work, a poem he was writing that was followed by a heart to heart about his family life, all the night before his art exhibition.

Golden hour was on the brink of disappearing once we reached the Heath, so my partner Shaneika assisted me by holding two phone torches towards Dan. This allowed me to get a hard white light contrasting against the dark surrounding my subject.

Article and photography by Raphael Boamah-Asare

