How to mix business with pleasure

Leading Lines
Leading Lines Magazine
3 min readMar 8, 2018
(L-R Shaneika Johnson-Simms and Aneesa’ Marie)

Joining the club of being self-reliant comes with baggage you never notice at first. Without realising it you miss birthday’s and leave anything other than client emails unanswered. We have all fallen victim to being a workaholic. Without that trait in us we wouldn’t be the hardworking people we are, but, there is a balance. Does working all night and avoiding socialising sound familiar? These are signs that you haven’t completely found the way to juggling it all. With this step-by-step guide, we can help you avoid burning yourself out before you hit your goal.

1. Keep a journal

Having a journal to write down your tasks helps you to see things in perspective. You ease the pressure of having everything stuck in your head.

Learn to say no
Get offers or request from others who want you for your service/product is a good sign. The mistake is to give their time to endeavors that don’t align with their values.

Set deadlines
When you become your own boss it’s easy to get sucked into nurturing your ideas and never signing off on them. Writing in deadlines forces you to keep your progression on going and get to a finish line.

2. Create a priority list

All possibilities are made available to us on a day-to-day basis is a luxury we all enjoy. Making sure you don’t go off and somehow to find yourself on the “other” side of the Internet. Creating a priority list will help you narrow your focus to what is important for output.

Make it realistic
Break down your priorities into tasks. This makes progression easier and allows you to find the best way of completing a task.

Planning ahead
Every evening, create a new list of three things to work on. This allows you to heighten productivity and decision fatigue.

3. Have an hour of “downtime”

Many forget how vital it is to you take time out from their work. To not end up loathing what you love to make sure to have downtime.

Reward yourself
Instead of squeezing in your downtime before or in-between your working hour save it for the end of the day. You’re less likely to go off track and you’ll be able to enjoy your time without having your work linger.

Only if you want
Don’t feel pressured to use your downtime.
With these three tips, you’ll be able to take full advantage of your 24 hours and you will no excuses to not be on target and catch up with family and friends. There is no reason why being a professional means losing touch with those around you or having your work take control over your life.

Article by Shaneika Johnson-Simms

Photography by Raphael Boamah-Asare

