Stop learning the hard way.

The business of creativity

Leading Lines
Leading Lines Magazine


2 min readMar 10, 2019


The creative career path is met with road bumps and moments of procrastination that leave a defeated feeling looming over your head.

Paired with burn out (without the results,) left me wondering “how do other people deal with building their career?”

And viola!

Logo for Along The Lines: The Business of Creativity

Our podcast was born! In an interview style, we speak to creatives about their start, obstacles and, most importantly, how they’ve overcome the delayed feelings of success and satisfaction.

In our first episode we spoke with Shoot My Travel CEO and photographer Valerie Lopez.

It became clear to me that my role as the interviewer shifted as I saw myself as an eager student.

The guest on Along The Lines open up about their humble beginnings, failures, and mishaps, which made me feel l less alone in my journey.

Our guest in Episode 2 are model Jordan Charles and journalist Storm Thompson (far right).

I hope this letter does more than just sparking an interest in the podcast but allows you to be more gentle on yourself as a wise man once said:

“ You know careers take off, just gotta be patient” - Kendrick Lamar

With thanks,

Shaneika Johnson-Simms
Editor In Chief

