Leading With Love

Leading With Love: A New Publication

For Leaders, Parents, Coaches, Teachers, and anyone who leads others.

Mike Sansone
Leading with Love
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024


Six geese flying in formation.
Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

Zig Ziglar once said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

I’ve worked with leaders and followers in a variety of roles, including leaders, managers, parents, teachers, coaches, government officials, first responders, ER nurses, and more.

Everyone has the potential to be a great leader. Do they have anyone following?

Leading With Love aims to be a publication that talks about leadership styles, principles, strategies, and behaviors that plow the road for the people they lead. With love.

A recently retired elementary school principal led by example and service. On a corporate chart, she may have been at the top of the chart, but she turned the chart upside down in her work. She served her teachers and students with love every day until she retired.

Whether she told them she loved them or not mattered less than what she did and who she was. Nobody questioned her love or her leadership.

If you’ve ever been in a position of leading anyone else, even if it’s an older sibling role, you can write for us.



Mike Sansone
Leading with Love

Hi :-) - At our core, we all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Managing Editor/Owner of Reaching Hearts & also Leading With Love publications