
Points to Ponder: Teachers

A Weekly Thursday feature with themed quotes

Mike Sansone
Leadership Hearts
Published in
3 min read1 day ago


Students Raising their Hands in the Classroom
Photo by Max Fischer via pexels

I love quotes, and several people I love do, too. Maybe you’re with me on this train of thought.

There are periods during the day when I ponder a single word or concept. I will look it up in a dictionary and a thesaurus and chew on what I find. This week, we ponder the practices of Teachers and a few quotes to think about or points to ponder:

“Teachers can make such a profound impact on our lives and should be honored as heroes.” — Rainn Wilson

So true! Teachers, especially in the lower grades and younger years, do not often get to see the impact they have on the people they lead. They do their great and important work with confidence and encouragement. They are heroes!

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” –Brad Henry

Oh, that teachers might inspire, ignite, and instill…especially a love of learning for all they touch. Three magical traits to build: Hope, Imagination, and Love for Learning.

“Children must be taught how to think, not…



Mike Sansone
Leadership Hearts

Hi :-) -We all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Editor/Owner of these pubs : Reaching Hearts, Romancing Hearts, & Leadership Hearts.