
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

Slow things down to do things right.

Mike Sansone
Leadership Hearts
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2024


Close-Up Shot of a Carpenter Measuring a Wood Plank
Photo by Los Muertos Crew via pexels

Festina Lente: Make Haste Slowly

The translation of Festina Lente is to Make Haste Slowly. “Make” tells me to take action, but not recklessly or without some forethought.

The wisdom of Festina Lente is to be continual in your actions and gain speed as you continue forward. Consistency wins out over intensity,

Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.

Special units of the military have a term for this: Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.

If you don’t have time to do it right the first time, when will you find the time to correct it?

We err on the side of hurrying too much in our lives. When we are running late, we overcompensate. We go faster, but we are not as accurate. We miss things. We forget things. Not only are we late, but we are now incomplete.

We often create chaos by hurrying about in our individual lives. It happens in the masses, too.

Look at a big box store on Black Friday. It’s mass chaos! Yet, everyone makes it worse by hurrying. Or in an airplane at landing, as the seatbelt sign goes off, everyone seems to be in a hurry to stand and is ready to rush…



Mike Sansone
Leadership Hearts

Hi :-) -We all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Editor/Owner of these pubs : Reaching Hearts, Romancing Hearts, & Leadership Hearts.