The Privilege and Promising Duties of Leadership

Leading with love does not expect rewards

Leading with Love
Published in
3 min read4 days ago


Photo by James Padolsey on Unsplash

Leading is about more than being a boss.

We often lead in far less noticeable ways. How we walk, talk, dress, and live can all be part of leadership.

People watch people.

People you don’t know may very well be watching you and copying you in some way.

It’s not a weakness in them — it’s a strength in you that they pursue.

Leaders lead without knowing they are followed.

What if you know you’re being followed?

What is your reaction to someone who imitates you?

Instead of being offended or thinking they are weak, try to realize that leading is what leaders do and being followed or imitated is the natural outcome.

The best and most influential leaders lead without expectation of reward.

Such a person, having done a good deed, won’t go shouting from the rooftops but simply moves on to the next deed just like the vine produces another bunch of grapes in…



Leading with Love

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.