GD154 Week 1

The History of Typography

Stephen Bau
Leading with Design
2 min readJan 31, 2018


January 9, 2018

GD154 Typography

Hello, welcome to GD154 Typography

  • Class list
  • About me
  • About you
  • Go over syllabus
  • Communication — how to you want to communicate?


  • History of typography
  • History of the alphabet
  • Assign Project 1: Letter as Form
  • Rendering a letterform
  • Work on Project 1


A Brainwriting Exercise

Get into four groups.

On a sheet of paper:

  • Write your name

On three coloured sticky notes, each a different colour, answer each of these questions by writing them on the sticky note and attach them to the sheet of paper with your name on it.

  • What program are they in?
  • Have you taken any design courses?
  • If you were on Pinterest what boards would you be pinning?

In your groups, share your answers with each other by handing your sheet to the person to your right, who will introduce you to the group by reading the answers from the sheet. Clarify or explain as needed.

Select a spokesperson for each group, who can introduce each person of the group to the instructor.

Hand in the sheets so the instructor can get to know your names and interests.

History of Typography

The History of Type: Short video that spans the entire history

Beatrice Ward, The Crystal Goblet


Thinking with Type

by Ellen Lupton

Lettering and Type

by Bruce Willen and Nolan Strals



Stephen Bau
Leading with Design

Designer, educator, social architect, founder, Builders Collective. We are exploring how we imagine, design, and build the future together.