10 Strategies for Cost-Effective Lead Generation

Vaishnavi V
LeadMine Blog
Published in
6 min readMay 10, 2019

Starting out a new business venture can put you at a very high risk. You will have to spend a huge amount of time on conducting a complete market research, finding out the right resources and estimating the overall cost.

Lead generation is one area that is still growing. You need to tread carefully before you begin. You cannot simply use all the strategies and tricks available on the internet as your guide. If you do not use the right, tried and well tested strategies for your lead generation, you might end up with no returns on your investment.

There are so many strategies available for you to choose from, but the following are some of the few that will definitely help you kickstart your lead generation process. Also, they do not require you to spend thousands of dollars.

1. User-friendly website and attractive landing pages

Your prospective customer demographic may vary to an extent. Not all users will know how to use your website. Some might have very less knowledge about the internet.

So, it is very, very important to create a website that is accessible to all your users. It should be simple and easy-to-use yet powerful enough to convert all the users into clients. The users should be able to understand what you are trying to sell them.

Next, is the landing page which is also equally important, as it is the first page the user visits on your website. It should be attractive and informative. It should furnish all the details to make the users try out your product on the spot.

2. The correct placement of all the Call-to-Action buttons

All your Call-to-Action (CTA) should be available readily for the users, but that doesn’t mean that you need to clutter the whole website with CTA buttons.. In case if they need your support or help, they should be able to do so without wondering how to do it. Some studies show that more than 40% of lead generation companies have a visible call-to-action buttons that the users were able to locate quickly.

3. Good website response time

In this fast paced advanced world, no one likes to wait. Users want immediate outcome for their actions. So, it is a pre — requisite that your website is speedy. When a user interacts with your website, the response should be quicker than the speed of lightning.

4. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key channel through which you get most of the traffic to your website. It is an organic way to make people aware of the existence of your product. You need to create as many links as possible that will make sure your users will be able to reach your website. SEO might bring in potential customers to your product. You can make use of non paid SEO services or take help from companies that provide expert advice. There are many affordable companies in the market that will fit well into your budget.

5. Product Pricing

In order to increase the footfall, you need to make the services affordable. A good pricing equals more customers. You can come up with a pricing plan keeping in mind the varying degrees of customers. Some might only be looking for a one time access, some might need only a standard service every month or year. So, you can provide both the monthly and yearly plans. This way it is easier for the customers to choose what they want depending on their requirements. You can also provide a free trial period and discounts.

6. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an easy but effective way to generate more leads. In fact, recent research shows that, email marketing is the most used form of generating leads. When used correctly, you will generate leads and grow them in number.

How will this simple method generate more leads?

Well, it depends on you entirely. You need to use automated email marketing tools, engage with the users and keep them interested in buying your product services. A good and a captivating subject line is a must! You can also allow them to use your product for a time period and ask them for their feedback as it will make the users feel like a part of your company and will definitely want to subscribe for your services.

7. Content Writing

It is one of the top strategies that will pull in more users who will turn into potential subscribed customers. A clean, concise and most definitely informative content will make the users stop and consider paying for your services. A good content should educate and interest the users. Some of the best ideas are writing regular blogs, creating product user videos, presenting case studies and market analysis reports, pictorial graphs and pie charts and e-documents that will help the customers understand your product better.

8. Making use of social media

There are many social platforms available on the internet. The best way to bring in new users and expand your customer base is through one of the platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You need to come up with innovative ideas to make users take note of your product. Firstly, you need to create awareness of your product and notify users of the existence of your product. Put these social medias to good use and make it work for you.

9. Referrals

Once you gain a steady footfall, you can ask your existing customers to help you spread the word about your product and you can provide them with substantial discounts and offers in return. This will not only help you bring in new customers, but also ensure the return of the existing customers. It is a win-win situation and you don’t even have to shell out a lot of money.

10. Keep yourself up-to- date

Always, keep up with the world. Read related blogs, visit technological sites to know what is currently going on. You can actually invest in technological advancements if they prove to produce results. also , keep a note of what your competitors are up to these days and think of new ideas to improve your product.


There might be hundreds of ideas and strategies available. Some might work for you and some might not. These are some of the strategies used at LeadMine. You can give it a try!

If you have any other strategies that worked for you please share it with us.

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If you’re looking for B2B lead generation platform, take a look at LeadMine.

