5 Secret Ninja Tricks for Cold Sales emailing

LeadMine Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2017

The cold emailing is a best way to reach a right person in B2B sales. Most people shy away from it, because they think it’s spam.

Some people have tried and failed. I also tried and failed to get much conversion. Along the path of many mistakes, I had learned several lessons. In this post, I will share 5 ninja tricks for successful cold emails.

1. Good subject line

If the subject line does not impress your prospects, no one is going to open an email and all your efforts will waste. The subject line should attract the recipients to open an email. Better subject line can have:

a) Put their first name in the subject line

b) Use number or percentage in the subject line

c) Keep the subject line under 50 characters

2. Email body should talk about the customer, not you

It is tempting to share all of the accolades, all of the advancements, all of the reasons why they should choose you over your competitors. But that makes the email about “me me me.” Instead, focus on the customer, what you know they need or want or why your products are a good fit for them.

The email should quickly address a problem and how we can help solve it. The email body should not have more than 3 paragraphs. If the recipient sees how further communication would make life easier for them, they’ll want to respond.

3. Put All Contact Info in Your Signature

The email signature leaves lasting impression to the reader. It’s also a part of your personal branding. The good email signature encourages reader response, provide contact information, and catch the reader’s eye in a way that’s positive and memorable.

You read more about Damn Good Email Signature for Your Outreach Emails

4. Send at right day and right time

You can’t just send cold emails any time in any day. Open rates and reply rates are higher on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Before sending, double check prospect timezone and schedule the email to reach them while they’re at work and still focused enough.

Don’t blast out hundreds (or even thousands) of emails when you’re just getting started. Your probably can send 20–30 emails per day. You need to always look at the two most important metrics .

a. Open rates benchmark: 15–30%
b. Response rates benchmark: 10–30%

The open rates allow you to track the effectiveness of your subject lines while the response rates indicates how effective your email copy is.

5. Follow Up, then Follow Up Again!

Just because they don’t respond, doesn’t mean you should move on. In fact, nearly 85% of the hot leads come after the initial email send.

Followups get 30% higher response rates than first emails. So make sure to follow up, write a quick email acknowledging how busy and important they are while politely asking to consider your email one more time. You need to consider sending follow up emails on every 3 to 7 days.

Do you know of any cold emailing tips you’d like to share? If so, just leave a comment below.

