7 Common Myths about Lead Generation

Vaishnavi V
LeadMine Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2019

According to online statistics, more than 70% of a lead generation organization spends time and money on marketing. It is one of the top priorities of companies across all industries and sizes. However, there seem to be quite a good number of myths surrounding lead generation.

The reasons behind this may be as simple as not understanding what or how the tool works or what a qualified lead is. Sometimes, people may be misguided by different online forums providing different answers for the same question. People have to understand that not all organizations work the same way. Following are some of the common myths attached to lead generation.

Myth 1: Investing Your Time In Creating Landing Pages Is A Waste Of Time

Landing pages are an integral part of lead generation. It definitely is not a waste of time to dedicate some part of your time in creating them. Distinct URLs should be used when creating landing pages as it will not only help users to get a clear picture of the tools being offered, but also help the team navigate to particular features or information hassle-free. The more the number of landing pages, the more the company’s visibility on the online market. Without these pages, converting people to potential customers is cumbersome.

Myth 2: Social Media Is Not Effective In Quality Lead Generation

Social media is a powerful platform to pass on information to the audience or providing customer services. Time and again, it has proven to bring into light so many creative and innovative ideas which have helped many companies to come up with their own marketing and sales strategies. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are a gateway to finding potential targets.

Myth 3: Drip Marketing Is Absolutely Necessary

The basic meaning of Drip marketing is sending out pre written messages or automated emails to prospects or customers. Although it is fine to make drip campaign a part of a company’s strategy, it is definitely not good to clutter a prospect’s or a customer’s inbox with automated emails urging them to become a customer or try other things respectively. This may make them to unsubscribe from the email listing or altogether cancel the services.

Myth 4: Customer’s Knowledge About The Services Is Not A Requisite

Unless a person visiting a company’s website has thorough knowledge about the tools and services offered, no new leads will get converted into a customer in the first visit. Educating potential prospects through informational videos, blogs, documentation and user manuals, interacting with them will help them lean towards the product. Communicating and actively engaging with new leads will convert them into customers.

Myth 5: Quality Leads Come For Free

One has to spend money to make money. A certain amount of money has to be spent to attract and convert prospective leads. This could be considered as an investment to build a path for bringing in new customers and maintaining a strong relationship with the existing ones. There is no loss in spending time, money and other resources to provide quality services.

Myth 6: No Effective Way To Track The Results Of Lead Generation

According to recent studies, marketing teams across all industries spend more hours on organizing the leads and storing data into the database rather than tracking the trend of the leads and this is quite staggering considering this part is as important as updating the database. Equal amount of time should be spent on tracking and analyzing the efforts of lead generation. Monitoring the trajectory should be a priority as it will help the team plan future strategies. The team can use spreadsheets or new tracking tools to track the leads.

Myth 7: Shortcuts Equal Quality Leads Faster

There are so many free tips and quick hacks available on the internet these days, that lure people into believing that shortcuts are the easiest and the best way to generate more quality leads. This is definitely not a good strategy. Building a good customer base will take time but, in the long run this is the most viable option.


Generation of leads is an important part of any organization that requires constant attention and the company should develop plans and strategies to achieve the desired results. From time to time, the processes and plans should be changed according to the present trend to meet the customer requirements.

If you are looking for B2B lead generation platform, take a look at LeadMine

