7 more movements to understand the future of work

Mariana Rego
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2017
Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam

If you liked our 7 movements to understand the future of work post, you’ll enjoy this one.

In our original post we talked about people-centric management and 7 movements that illustrate where work is headed.

But that was just the beginning.

There are several groups of people that are experimenting with new work environments, allowing for humans to flourish and thrive.

In this post, we’ll summarize 7 additional movements helping change how work works.


WorldBlu’s purpose is to develop world-class freedom-centered organizations and leaders. They support organizational democracy which is based on freedom, instead of fear and control. This way of designing organizations amplifies the possibilities of human potential — and the organization as a whole. Here are their ten principles:

  1. Purpose and Vision
  2. Transparency
  3. Dialogue + Listening
  4. Fairness + Dignity
  5. Accountability
  6. Individual + Collective
  7. Choice
  8. Integrity
  9. Decentralization
  10. Reflection + Evaluation

Visit: http://www.worldblu.com/

B Corporations

B Corporations is a community and global movement with more than 2,000 certified companies in 50 countries redefining success in business. They believe that one day all companies will compete not only to be the best in the world, but the best for the world. Here is the Declaration of Interdependence that all B corps should commit to:

Visit: https://www.bcorporation.net/

Theory U

Theory U is most widely known as the basis for the u.Lab edX course taught by MIT professor Otto Scharmer. Theory U proposes that the quality of the results that we create in any kind of social system is a function of the quality of awareness, attention, or consciousness that the participants in the system operate from. By journeying through the “U,” here are the seven essential leadership capacities to be developed:

  • Holding the space: Listen to what life calls you to do.
  • Observing: Pay attention with your mind wide open.
  • Sensing: Connect with your heart.
  • Presencing: Connect to the deepest source of yourself and will.
  • Crystallizing: Access the power of intention.
  • Prototyping: Integrating head, heart, and hand — don’t let paralysis get the best of you — act!
  • Performing: having an ecosystem view, instead of an ego-centered view.

Visit: https://www.presencing.com/theoryu

Management Innovation eXchange (MIX)

MIX is an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century. As we know, current management practices emphasize control, discipline, and efficiency above all else. To thrive in the 21st century, as we also know, organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially accountable. The platform has a purpose to serve as a laboratory for new ideas, experiments, and passions around management innovation.

Gary Hamel, author of many best selling management books has been one of the strongest contributors to this initiative.

Several people-centric companies as Morning Star and Vagas have been featured on the platform through case studies and interviews, sharing great insights and practices about self-management, horizontal hierarchies, and new ways of working.

Visit: http://www.managementexchange.com/

BetaCodex Network

Founded in 2008 by Niels Pflaeging and building upon the Beyond Budgeting Round Table, BetaCodex is an open source and inclusive network focused on transforming organizations. This movement suggests a human-centered way of looking at performance, success, and an organization’s reason of being.

Their 12 new laws of leadership are:

Visit: http://www.slideshare.net/npflaeging/beta-codex-presentingthecodex, http://www.betacodex.org/ko/node/45

Enlivening Edge

Founded by fans of Frederic Laloux’s Reinventing Organizations, Enlivening Edge has become a media hub and an active community exchanging around the emergent collective intelligence, consciousness, and impact of the ecosystem of next-stage organizations. Enlivening Edge strives to be a movement that will inform and support organizations looking to evolve.

Their contributors write inspiring articles to boost awareness around the next-stage consciousness and promote events to strengthen the community bonds.

Visit: http://www.enliveningedge.org/

Management 3.0 / Happy Melly

Found in 2010 by Jurgen Appelo, Management 3.0 is a movement of innovation, leadership, and management. It’s about working together to find the most efficient way for a business to achieve its goals while maintaining the happiness of workers as a priority. Management 3.0 brings together thousands of project managers, mid-level managers, CEOs and entrepreneurs, and has them develop solutions together, using games to encourage employee feedback and team collaboration.

Also started by Appelo, Happy Melly is a professional network of businesses and individuals dedicated to helping people become happier at work. Happy Melly members believe that happiness is the future of work and that we can make a living while not losing out on life.

Visit: https://management30.com/, http://www.happymelly.com/

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Mariana Rego

education & technology & dating & occasionally philosophy | 🇧🇷🇺🇸