Generating 800+ sales with ROAS > 3 using Leadza virtual assistant

Facebook ad agency Remote Leads told how they generated sales for natural cosmetics e-store with ROAS > 3 using Leadza

Remote Leads is an international Facebook ad agency that helps e-commerce businesses grow generating more sales through Facebook & Instagram ads. The agency was founded by Alex Boss after he spent over $500,000 to learn what’s working. We met in October last year and Alex was curious to know how virtual AI assistant can help simplify the work for his PPC managers and let them focus on creative stuff instead of doing manual work. So he suggested to give Leadza app to Jane Kuznetsova, who was responsible for managing a Facebook ad campaign for one of their e-commerce customers.

Jane told us the story of how she generated sales for natural cosmetics e-store with ROAS < 3 using Leadza for the last 3 months…

Budget efficiency suggestions rock!

I got my first optimization tips in early October. After analyzing a retargeting campaign that I created, Leadza gave some useful recommendations on how to get more sales by reasonable price within the budget that I set for this campaign. I got these recommendations immediately after connecting my ad accounts to the tool:

  • to duplicate good performing ad sets and narrow targeting to 45–54 female,
  • to duplicate good performing ad sets and narrow to Facebook mobile feed,
  • to reallocate campaign budget between ad sets in more optimal proportions.

I implemented recommendations to duplicate ad sets and in few days I found that RS (relevance score) has improved. Then I implemented recommendations to allocate budget for this campaign and in 7 days I found improvements in results more than 40%:

So now I was ready to try the recommendations for other campaigns for this e-store. For them Leadza recommended me to adjust optimal budget bids for some of ad sets, so I gradually was reducing my CPC and increasing the CTR:

I can implement all the suggested changes using my phone on the go ;)

On 15 of November I have got a message that now this virtual assistant can implement all the suggested changes. Yup, and can save time on manually changing the campaign! I was happy to know that because now I spend much less time to apply new recommendations. The way they did this feature is great: the only thing you need is to confirm the action you want to apply:

Scale campaigns with no effort? Yes, that’s real.

From 23 of November I started using “Lookalike Audience Builder” feature for upscaling campaigns. Now it takes two minutes to create a new ad set with one of promising lookalike audiences. The tool finds these audiences automatically and suggests you options to scale so I can choose one or more new targeting options to try scaling.

The second thing I have found useful is that I can scale by turning on my old ad sets which now can perform better and allow me to get more actions with reasonable price:

Finally got 800+ sales with average ROAS 3.14

I did not want to jump to conclusions while getting better results in a first two weeks. I know that tools might stop working so I want to be sure that I will continue to get stable results with Leadza. I used the tool almost for three month before deciding to tell my story and it was proved to be working. I got a stable level of sales with average ROAS=3.14:

The whole campaign is successful and I almost met my marketing goal to generate sales with ROAS >3. I’m using the tool right now and my colleagues are already wonder how I managed to show good results with no effort. I mean no effort on doing some boring stuff analyzing ads and screening Ad Manager reports. I just can implement all the suggested changes using my phone on the go. And it’s amazing.

If you want to feel yourself wearing my shoes try Leadza now.



Victoria Fast
A self-service platform for Facebook advertisers with virtual assistance.

Entrepreneur, Yogi & Dreamer. I write about Personal Growth & Business. 🇺🇸🇷🇺 IG: rocknrockqueen