How to - Facebook & Instagram video views campaigns

Wesley Hartley
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2018


What’s the use?

In this blog series we’ll be exploring all the different campaign types you can launch through Leaf Grow, what each campaign type is useful for and what you can expect in terms of results and outcomes.

In this blog, we’ll cover Facebook & Instagram video promotion campaigns.

Awareness & Engagement

You might be thinking — why would I promote a video on Facebook or Instagram, when videos are sound-off by default and views are counted after only three seconds? It’s a fair question.

Facebook and Instagram, are social networks at their core and it’s the interconnectedness of community on these platforms that provides an opportunity for brands and artists to reach and engage a large number of potential customers/fans with video, for very little money.

YouTube, which is a pure-play video platform, only counts a video view after 30 seconds, whereas Facebook and Instagram count views after 2, 3 and 10 seconds. This means that you get much more reach for your dollar.

Even with a limited budget you can gain mass exposure, drive awareness of the content and the brand/artist and ultimately build very granular audience profiling and content performance data.

Build Audiences, Build Knowledge.

Leaf Grow enables you to easily target hyper-relevant customers/fans in any territory. Because you’re able to reach a lot of people with Facebook and Instagram video promotion, you’re able to garner a good-sized data set. This means plenty of valuable profiling data on the audiences engaging with the video and also the performance of your content.

You can segment this data based on your preferences and objectives. You might want to segment those people who watched 100% of the video, or those who commented or shared it the most and filter this by territory and age group etc. These types of insights give you a clearer picture of who your core customers/fans are and will help to improve campaign targeting and ultimately results.

Enhance the feedback loop

This segmentation also allows you to build custom audiences from people who watched the video for a specific amount of time and retarget them with additional campaigns. You could, for example, retarget all the people who watched at least 75% of your video and drive them to your website as part of a Link Clicks or Conversions campaign, to purchase something.

Here’s a brief video showing you how to launch a highly targeted video promotion campaign through Leaf Grow, in under five minutes.

Beyond Engagement

As an additional benefit to having people engage with your content, we’ve seen that promoting videos to the right kind of audiences can help grow your following on Facebook or Instagram. These are high-quality audiences. They like your content and they’re asking for more by choosing to follow you after watching it.

A video campaign is also useful for feeding other campaigns. You can use the cost-effective reach of video promotion to drive traffic to your website to help increase purchases and feed your retargeting pixel with audience data. By using a link to your website or Smart URL in the copy of your video post you’re not only providing people with additional opportunities to engage, but you can then grab that post in Leaf Grow and run it as an ad for a Link Clicks (Traffic) or Conversions campaign.

Frustratingly, Facebook videos are sound-off by default and the sound-on percentage of organic views, even when boosting, is generally very low. By promoting videos through Leaf Grow you’ll achieve a much higher number of sound-on views, because the system serves your content to the right fans, in the right place, which increases the chance they’ll watch it with the sound on.

The Audience Development Journey

It’s important to remember that a video campaign in isolation is only so useful.

It’s about what you do with the audiences engaging with the video and the data that they yield.

The objective with engagement campaigns is to build relationships with your audience and take them on a journey to being a paying fan. Once that fan has been on that journey, it doesn’t mean they’re in stasis as a paying fan forever, you have to keep engaging them.

Interested? Learn more and request a demo today!

