LOK Official Blog
Published in
14 min readMar 30, 2023

Dear Kings, Queens, Landlords, and everyone! The Drago is now spreading its wings to unleash its full potential. In this article, we cover the update details and all you need to know about Drago.

Table of Contents

0. How to Bridge Drago

  1. Intro to Drago
    Drago Stat
    1B. Drago Level up
  2. Drago Breeding & Burn (Fusion)
    2A. Drago Breeding
    2B. Drago Genetics
    2C. Chimeric Fusion
  3. DSA & DST
    - Dragon Soul Amber (DSA) Mine
    - Dragon Action Point
    - DST minting
    3B. DST Faucet
    - DSA mining
    - Daily Quest
    - Fail in Chimeric Fusion
    3C. DST Sink
    - Breeding
    - Lair Upgrade
  4. Drago Rental
  5. Drago & RSS Minting
  6. Drago Emoji

Bear in mind that the details in this article and numerical values can be adjusted for balance issues. The values and text in the images are from dummy images.

0. How to Bridge Drago

To begin with, we are excited to announce that we have chosen POLYGON as the primary platform for operating Drago. This decision was made after careful consideration of several factors, but ultimately, we believe that Polygon is the best choice for us.

One of the primary reasons for selecting Polygon is our existing presence in the ecosystem through LOK for the past two years. This familiarity with the platform and its capabilities gives us an edge as we move forward with Drago. Furthermore, the EVM ecosystem has experienced remarkable growth, establishing itself as a powerhouse in the industry, with an impressive array of web2 companies, brands, and IPs.


In our BRIDGE page you will be able to bridge Drago to Polygon and LOKA between Polygon and Ethereum. When you bridge your asset, it will be sent to the same wallet address in the respective network (Polygon / Ethereum).

Drago Bridging Page

Make sure you set the network to where the bridge starts !!
For example, when you are bridging Drago that is in Ethereum to Polygon, you have to set your network to Ethereum.

Bridging LOKA (ETH -> POLYGON)

Please be aware that bridging can take up to 1 hour for the Polygon to confirm the transaction. When you bridge an asset, you will see the confirmation message with the transaction hash.

When Bridging LOKA from Polygon to ETH, you have to claim the bridged LOKA in ETH after the bridging transaction is over.

LOKA Bridge (POLYGON -> ETH) — The user have to claim LOKA after the transaction is complete

1. Intro to Drago

Dragos are dragon-like creatures that reside in the League of Kingdoms continents and were historically tamed by royal courts. Good friends, guardians, and companions for mankind.

The Drago NFTs can be used to unlock a variety of contents in League of Kingdoms, including the new play-and-earn game features, such as mining Dragon Soul Amber, a special gem used to forge League of Kingdoms’ in-game token — DST.

Players will be able to bring their Drago NFTs along with their troops during the gameplay in order to enjoy play-and-earn opportunities and Dragos can give buffs to your kingdom and the troops to give an advantage in various situations.

In the coming update, Drago NFT holders will have the ability to obtain new Dragos through the breeding system. Also, the players who do not own a Drago NFT yet can still find opportunities to enjoy Drago content through the rental system.

1A. Drago Stats

Drago is consist of 7 parts — and each part determines the appearance, legendary buff, elemental bonus, and in-game stats.

Drago’s 7 parts

Legendary part buff:

Legendary part multiplies the entire stats by a certain amount. Having multiple legendary parts increases this value incrementally.
7 legendary parts can multiply the stats up to 400%

Elemental bonus:

Having multiple parts with the same elemental type increases the elemental bonus.

In-Game stats (Buffs):

Each elemental part has a consistent theme of buff, shown on the table below.

Drago’s buff type based on the element

When breeding Drago, the appearance, element, and in-game stats are inherited based on the genetics rule. Legendary parts are not inherited. We will talk more about breeding in 2A. Drago Breeding.

Drago Stat in a nutshell

Drago Stat screen in a nutshell

1B. Drago Level up

Drago’s max level is 30.
The stats reach their full potential (100%) at level 30. At level 1, it’s 10% of the full potential, gradually increasing as your level increases.

Gaining EXP
Drago earns experience points by mining Dragon Soul Amber. The more you mine, the more experience points you get.
- Mining 100 DSA gives 100 EXP
- You’ll need more EXP as the level progresses

Drago level up will also reduce the time it takes to mint RSS NFT. (Check 5. Drago & RSS Minting for more detail)

Drago level will NOT get reset after the transfer between wallets.

2. Drago Breeding & Burn (Fusion)

2A. Drago Breeding

When breeding Drago, the appearance, element, and in-game stats are inherited.

Legendary parts are not inherited. Instead, each part have 5% chance to become legendary upon Drago’s birth.

Breeding will be processed on the breeding web page

Drago Breeding Page

The breeding can happen up to 7 times. The breeding cost will get expensive as the count goes up.

Drago Breeding Cost (updated: 18 OCT 2023)

Breeding requires DST and LOKA. DST will be burned, and LOKA will go to the LOKA DAO Vault. LOKA need to be bridged to Polygon in order to be used in breeding.

The table shows the DST and LOKA cost for each parent. When choosing two Dragos as parents, the cost for each is added to decide the final breeding cost.

If you choose a Drago with 1 Breed Count, and another with 4 Breed Counts, the final cost will be
1625 + 3625 = 5250DST
130 + 280 = 410 LOKA

2B. Drago Genetics

Two Dragos selected for breeding.
Genetics probability

Drago Genetics is about inheriting the parts. Each part has the dominant gene and the recessive gene.

  • The dominant gene is the appearance, stats, and element that is shown in the part. The recessive gene is the same that is hidden behind.
  • A dominant gene has an 80% chance to get inherited and a recessive gene has a20% chance.

When breeding Drago A and B, this is the breakdown of what each part can inherit:
- 40% chance of Drago A’s dominant gene
- 10% chance of Drago A’s recessive gene
- 40% chance of Drago B’s dominant gene
- 10% chance of Drago B’s recessive gene

After the genetic rule decides all 7 parts, each part will roll to see if it’s will become a legendary part. Each part has a 5% chance to become legendary. Good Luck!

Drago Egg in “My Drago”

2C. Chimeric Fusion — The Burn Mechanism

Chimeric Fusion is another way to strengthen your Drago.

Chimeric Fusion will require both DS (Drago’s Soul) and DSA (Dragon Soul Amber).

You first need to burn a Drago to extract Drago’s Soul (DS). Then, You spend Drago’s Soul (DS) and DSA performing Chimeric Fusion to enhance all 7 stats of another Drago. The chance to succeed will be displayed on the UI.

Chimeric Fusion is designed as a burning mechanism for Drago NFTs to control its supply in the market.

DS & DSA needed for Chimeric Fusion


  • all 7 stats increase by a certain percentage.
  • Currently, Chimeric Fusion Level is up to 15.
  • At level 15, it increases all 7 stats to 500%


  • you will earn Dragon Soul Amber (DSA) instead. The amount of DSA earned is subject to change.
Chimeric Fusion success!! Congratulation!!!

Drago’s Soul (DS)

You can extract DS from a Drago. The extraction will sacrifice the Drago, and the Drago NFT will get burned. The number of DS that a Drago leaves will depend on the number of legendary parts.

Drago’s Soul extraction UI
  • A Drago with 3 legendary parts can give 9 to 18 DS.
  • The number of DS needed in each Chimeric fusion will depend on the Chimeric Fusion level.
Drago’s Soul extraction confirmation screen

Dev’s Comment: Our initial idea was to merge a Drago into another to upgrade it, which is super cool, but it will have to go through a complex and SLOW transaction — and that’s not fun. Dividing the process of Drago burning (DS extraction) and Chimeric Fusion will make things perform much smoother.

Dragon Soul Amber (DSA) / Drago’s Soul (DS)

3. DSA & DST

3A. DSA / DST Overview

Dragon Soul Amber is an in-game currency that can be used in in-game contents. It can be minted into Dragon Soul Token (DST) — LOK’s new utility token.

Dragon Soul Amber (DSA) Mine

DSA mine (not mined / mining)

Drago with bodyguard troops can march to DSA mine to mine DSA.

DSA mines only spawn in the lands with land owners. DSA mine’s level is determined similarly to other RSS nodes. It will spawn every 12 hours.

The number of DSA mines will be decided based on the number of Drago in that continent. It will be adjusted every day on UTC 00:00. LOKA Staking on Continent bonus will apply to the number of DSA mines. (minimum 100%).

When you get attacked while you were mining DSA and defeated, you will return with the DSA you’ve mined until then.

The amount of DSA in a mine can get adjusted depending on the supply-demand balance.

Troop marching to DSA mine

Dragon Action Point

The number and grade of Drago’s in the Drago Lair will determine the amount of Drago AP you will get each day. The Drago AP will be consumed only when the troop start mining DSA.

When counting Drago AP:

  • Each Drago with no legendary parts count as 1 point
  • Each Drago with any legendary parts count as 2 points
  • Level 1 Lair can house 4 Drago. Level 30 Lair can house about 40 Dragos.

You add the points of normal and legendary drago and can check how many Drago AP you receive in the Drago AP table. The points are accounted for the Drago within the Lair not wallet.

Drago AP table

Having 4 normal drago = 4 points = 3 Drago AP
Having 4 legendary drago = 8 points = 5 Drago AP
Having 3 normal and 4 legendary Drago = 11 points = 7 Drago AP.

The Drago AP will be refueled at UTC 00:00 based on the snapshot — it is not cumulative and will reset everyday. It will count the Drago in the Lair of each players. This applies the same to the rented Drago — you have to have the Drago in the borrower’s lair, to get the Drago AP.

March UI with Drago Action Point

Drago AP will only be used when you go for MINING DSA.

1 AP is consumed for each mining march. Attacking with Drago won’t use Drago AP, even for an attack to DSA mine.

When you attack a DSA mine that’s already under operation, and win the battle, your attacking troops will return to the castle. You will have to send another march for mining purposes, spending a Drago AP.

DST minting

DSA exchange screen
  • 100 DSA = 1 DST
    (This conversation rate is fixed but is potentially subject to change)
  • DST minting will be processed similarly to the LOKA voucher exchange.
  • There will be a feature to convert DST into DSA as well. It will be done in NFT tab.

3B. DST Faucet

There will be 3 ways to earn DSA in this update:

DSA mining

DSA mining will be the primary source of DSA supply.

Fail in Chimeric Fusion

Failing in Chimeric Fusion will give the user DSA.

Daily Quest

DSA will be rewarded as a final reward of Daily Quest.

You can only get the DSA reward if you own a Drago. The ownership of Drago will be counted based on the snapshot every day. Drago should be in the Lair.

3C. DST Sink


DST will be used in Drago breeding along with the LOKA in Polygon.

Lair Upgrade

DSA will be used in Drago Lair upgrade. Drago Lair will have a max level of 30, same as the other building in-game. The level of Drago Lair will decide how many Drago’s can be used in a single account.

Dev’s comments: Please be advised DSA and DST are not primarily intended to incentivize gamers to play TO EARN windfall gains or jackpots. Our goal is to design a system that gamers primarily utilize acquired DSAs to unlock advanced features within the Drago economy and elevate the overall game experience. Any excess, beyond utility purposes, may be monetized. We find users’ ability to effectively capitalizing on their game efforts and time through on-chain assets in a reasonable scale conducive to the game and economy.

Despite our intent, we acknowledge our limitations and the nature of the free market that may expose to fluctuations in supply and value. In any such case beyond the economically reasonable level, we’ll take proactive measures to keep the game economy healthy and in control, preventing the token price from skyrocketing or crashing beyond what’s necessary.

4. Drago Rental

How to Start Rental

  1. Go to League of Kingdoms Webpage
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Go to “My Drago” on the drop-down menu

4. Click “Detail” on the Drago you want to rent out

5. Clicking the “Rental” button on the bottom will show a pop-up screen to input the borrower’s wallet & set up the rental terms.

- Wallet Address: The wallet address of the borrower
- Distribution ratio: DSA distribution ratio between the renter & borrower
- Duration: Duration of the rent
*The owner can terminate the contract at any time regardless of the rental duration.

6. Click the “Rental” button when you are done with the setting. It will prompt the metamask pop-up to sign the contract.

7. When the rental contract is complete, the borrower will be able to see the Drago in-game when the borrower connects the wallet to the game account.

Rental State

For Renter:

The Drago will appear on the webpage of the renter. On the My Drago page, the renter will see the ‘Rental’ label on the Drago. The renter won’t be able to see the Drago in the game account

Drago Rental Stats:

The renter can check how much DSA is earned from the borrower’s activity and current distribution ratio on rented Drago’s detail page.
In the near future, a manage page will be added to display all the Drago that’s been rented.

For Borrower:

The Drago will appear on the game account when the borrower connects the wallet to the game account. The borrower will have to move the Drago from the wallet to the Lair to use it for in-game content.

Claiming DSA / DST

For Renter:

The renter will see the mined DSA in the LOK webpage.

The renter will have to claim it as DST. You’ll need minimum 1000 DSA to initiate claiming. 10 DSA will be taken for the transaction fee.

For Borrower:

Borrower will see the mined DSA in the in-game inventory.

Important Notes

  • For obvious reasons, rented Drago won’t be able to be burned, transferred, or used for extracting DS. Doing extraction & Chimeric Fusion is blocked for rented Drago.
  • In counting Drago for Drago AP & DSA mine, it will count the Drago in the lair (not wallet). If the borrower has the Drago on the Lair before the snapshot on UTC 00:00, it will count for the borrower’s continent and Drago AP. Make sure the borrower put the Drago in the lair before the snapshot.
  • DSA will be automatically distributed when Drago returns with mined DSA.
  • Make sure Drago is not doing any activity before renting out Drago.
Rental status displayed in colors: Blue = Rented / Red = Rent-out

5. Drago & RSS Minting

  • After the update, you will need Drago to mint resources.
  • There will be a RSS minting slot in the Lair where you can deploy Drago and mint resources.
  • The resource NFT amount will be changed. You will now have 10m, 50m, and 100m options — each takes a different time to mint.
    - 10m — 8h / 50m — 24h, 100m — 48h.
  • The 40% resource fee will be removed.
New rss minting screen with Drago

Dev’s Comment: There are two major reasons behind this decision: to give another gatekeeper against bot accounts pumping RSS NFTs & potentially appreciate the value of RSS NFTs, and to add value to the LOK NFTs.

It was a tough decision for us as well, but we believe F2P users can still find opportunities to earn through the rental system that we offer. We are considering opening RSS minting to the holders of other LOK NFTs.

Along with this update, we wanted to address several features of RSS minting that have been requested by the community — such as increasing the unit of minting, having the cooldown timer displayed, and removing the resource fee.

RSS Minting UI

6. Drago Emoji

Every Drago owner will be able to use the Drago Emoji!

Drago Emoji in chat
Drago Emoji in the field

About League of Kingdoms

League of kingdoms is a massively multiplayer strategy game that is centered around building kingdoms and governing the world. Here the player can build a powerful kingdom and army, forge alliances, compete against others, and trade digital assets across the blockchain.

The LANDs are NFTs transparently and verifiably stored on the blockchain network, so players can own and trade freely. Gamers can not only own a parcel of Land, but various resources therein, and the future growth of the game company.

🎮 League of Kingdoms Linktree

About League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)

League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) is League of Kingdoms’ native governance token and will be the cornerstone for the game project’s expansion into metaverses where a community of gamers can own and thrive.

The LOKA will be utilized as the currency inside the League of Kingdoms game franchise for all in-game store purchases, such as purchasing packages, skins, and goods. Additionally, the LOKA token will act as an NFT booster to create, upgrade, and acquire special NFT assets, including but not limited to Drago and Skin NFTs. The token will be also used to propose and vote on on-chain governance proposals to determine future features, policies, content, and/or parameters of the game. Last but not least LOKA tokens can also be earned by playing the in-game competition and/or achieving special tasks — for example after each Continent vs. Continent (CvC) battle, winners will be rewarded with LOKA tokens (and potentially rarer NFT item rewards) depending on the performance during the battle.

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