LOK Official Blog
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2024

A pioneering case of deriving values from in-game utilities

Pledge $LOKA to Empower your continents!

In this article, we will revisit the introduction of “Pledging” feature into the game League of Kingdoms.


In the dynamic world of League of Kingdoms, a unique feature called LOKA pledging has emerged, reshaping continent management dynamics. This innovative addition aims to address gentrifications on highly populated digital spheres and counter inactive areas dominated by farming bots.

The tiered pledging system, based on the total LOKA pledged, unlocks various buffs for continents, including monster regeneration, resource yield, medal acquisition, and troop enhancements. Individual players also benefit, with the introduction of the SBT (Soul Bount Token) based package offering weekly rewards based on their pledged LOKA contributions. The process is user-friendly, allowing players to add or withdraw pledges with no minimum commitment, nor any lock-ups. With over 5.4 million LOKA pledged (around $1.6 million $US Dollars) from 823 active participants, LOKA pledging introduces new way of using tokens to influence or contribute to the network, and enjoy various in-game benefits (non-monetary), shaping the game’s dynamics. Players can now embark on an exciting journey to leave their mark on this new chapter of the game.

LOKA pledging on Continent

In the League of Kingdoms, a groundbreaking feature has emerged — $LOKA pledging. This dynamic addition to the game introduces a new layer of strategy and cooperation among players, communities, promising to reshape the dynamics of continent management.

Let’s delve into the key aspects of LOKA pledging, its purpose, tiers, benefits, and the exciting rewards it brings.

Purpose of LOKA Pledging

The primary objective behind LOKA pledging is to enhance and adjust the regeneration bonus to align with activities in different continents.

Highly populated, active continents may encounter insufficient regeneration rates for all players, leading to the introduction of LOKA pledging to improve productivity. On the other hand, continents experiencing an outflux of generic players face resource misallocation, resulting in a surge of bot farms extracting significant values without substantial competition, a sort of a gentrication in the digital sphere.

The introduction of pledging aims to accurately represent and reflect activities in each continent, striving to address excessive regeneration in areas affected by bot farms and curb their productivity.

Pledging Tiers and Bonuses

The tier system holds a crucial role in LOKA pledging, where the total $LOKA pledged on a continent determines its tier, thereby influencing the associated pledging tier bonus.

Importantly, this pledging is exclusively linked to in-game buffs and does not pertain to monetary yield. The LOKA threshold for each tier remains subject to adjustments, reflecting initial pledges and potential fluctuations in the market value of the LOKA token.

The Pledging Tier and the benefits

The introduction of the ‘NEW’ tier aims to provide protection to newly created continents lacking significant communities or sponsors, exempting them from the tier system for a defined period. The continent selection page offers a visual indicator of the tiers, aiding users in making informed decisions when choosing a continent for migration.

Benefits of Pledging

Pledging unleashes a myriad of benefits for continents and individual players.

Depending on the tier, continents receive buffs on monster regeneration, resource yield, medal acquisition, Crystal production, DSA mines, and troop enhancements.

To further incentivize individual pledgers, the introduction of the SBT based package rewards to players based on their LOKA contributions. These weekly rewards, determined by the average amount pledged during the previous week, consist of 9 tiers, with the maximum reward reaching up to $500 worth.

How to Pledge

Pledging is a straightforward process accessible through the LOK webpage. On the Pledging page, players can select the continents to pledge their LOKA on.

The Pledge Tab
You can leave a message as well when pledging ;)

Player can check the total pledged LOKA, which determines the continent’s tier, on the Dashboard. The total LOKA a player pledged can be found in the My Pledge tab, where you can freely unstake or add more LOKA for each continents.

My Pledge tab

Players can conveniently review continent rankings, individual rankings within a continent, and even leave messages during the pledging period.

The flexibility of being able to add or withdraw pledged LOKA, without any minimum time commitment or lock-up, empowers players. Pledges are recorded daily at UTC 00:00, thereby determining the continent’s tier for that particular day.

Current Status

As of the latest update (January 20th 2024), over 5.4 million LOKA has been pledged, involving 823 dedicated holders actively participating in the pledging system.

Embrace the era of strategic cooperation and enhanced continent management as LOKA pledging transforms the landscape of League of Kingdoms, offering both continent-wide benefits and lucrative rewards for individual players. Prepare to make your mark and rise through the tiers in this exciting new chapter of the game.

About League of Kingdoms

League of kingdoms is a massively multiplayer (MMO) strategy game that is centered around building kingdoms and governing the world. Here the player can build a powerful kingdom and army, forge alliances, compete against others, and trade digital assets across the blockchain.

The LANDs are NFTs transparently and verifiably stored on the blockchain network, so players can own and trade freely. Gamers can not only own a parcel of Land, but various resources therein, and the future growth of the game platform.

About League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)

League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) is League of Kingdoms’ native governance token and will be the cornerstone for the game project’s expansion into metaverses where communities of gamers can own and thrive.

The LOKA will be utilized as the currency inside the League of Kingdoms game franchise for all in-game store purchases, such as purchasing packages, skins, and goods. Additionally, the LOKA token will act as an NFT booster to create, upgrade, and acquire special NFT assets, including but not limited to Drago and Skin NFTs. You can pledge the LOKA token to unlock special ingame utilities. Last but not least LOKA tokens can also be earned by playing the in-game competition and/or achieving special tasks — for example after each Continent vs. Continent (CvC) battle, winners will be rewarded with LOKA tokens (and potentially rarer NFT item rewards) depending on the performance during the battle.

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