Community Is a Crypto Necessity

League of Traders
League of Traders
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2023

When talking about crypto, talking points tend to be glued to the economic benefits. We are inclined to stick to the greatest hit topics that revolve around the money you make (or the money you lose) which is very much the point of trading for most people. Although talking about these particulars is an immovable part of the crypto experience, we’d definitely say there’s a bit more to it.

Celebrate your wins (and losses) on the League of Traders timeline. Download League of Traders today on iOS or Android.

Let’s be frank, you will often find yourself in stressful moments when trading. You’re putting your hard-earned money in a position where you could potentially lose it all. You stand to gain as much as you lose and that can take a toll on you. Having a space to talk about what you’re going through with people who understand you is a simple need we will work hard to ensure all of our users have access to. Everyone deserves that! We found this to be so important that we wanted to make sure we built a community to go along with our platform, League of Traders.

Runners join running clubs. Avid readers join book clubs. And crypto users? Well, the internet of course. Much of the crypto life is experienced intangibly, so it would be fitting that pretty much every facet of the process happens online through social media.

Through our League events, we encourage a bit of friendly competition and bragging. We like to see our users win and look forward to giving our congratulations when the time comes. I mean, what else is a community for if not to celebrate your highs…and your lows? League of Traders has a timeline option where you’ll see the latest posts from HQ, but also from random everyday users. While some are words of encouragement, there’s also the occasional selfie or two, and sometimes, just memes. We don’t mind, we like to see it all.

And I mean, memes are essential. They allow us to laugh at the pain, though the tears may still flow. Express our joy when those around us might not get it…basically communicate our emotions while transcending language, location, and even exchange.

Through all the ups and downs of crypto, we can always be certain of two things: 1) there will always be money to be made, and 2) the occasional tear will be shed. We get it. But just know, if nobody got you, League of Traders got you. And we have memes.😉

Happy trading!

  • League of Traders



League of Traders
League of Traders

League of Traders is a social trading service that allows you to visualize your assets across exchanges, and make informed trading decisions.