C&S celebrates twelve years of Global Day of Coderetreat

Colin Dean
Leaky Abstractions
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2023

Code & Supply loves hosting Coderetreats. Quoth coderetreat.org,

Coderetreats are free day-long, intensive practice events, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. By providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of “getting things done”, the coderetreat format has proven itself to be a highly effective means of learning and nurturing software development skills.

A man wearing a sunset striped gray shirt with right hand raised in front of several seated people in a large room. A projector is on the ceiling. There are many banners, chairs, tables, and plants.
Colin Dean shares some announcements with Coderetreat participants at the start of the November 2023 Global Day of Coderetreat at Code & Supply Workspace in Pittsburgh’s East Liberty neighborhood. Phot by Jean Lange.

Annually since 2011, practitioners and facilitators have organized a Global Day of Coderetreat. This is typically scheduled for the first Saturday in November nowadays, anywhere on Earth. That means it starts around noon on Friday in the US Eastern time zone and runs until Sunday at noon. This gives folks a wide time range in which to participate in a local event in person or online with folks from around the world!

Code & Supply has organized Pittsburgh’s local event since 2017 plus 2015 and has been involved in GDCR since 2013, the year of C&S’ founding. We even ran GDCR 2020 virtually, like most other events during the pandemic!

We run the event for “free” — we require a small “earnest money” payment upfront that guarantees food but is otherwise refunded, donated to Code & Supply Scholarship Fund, or donated to Code & Supply Co. to help keep the lights on at C&S Workspace, our coworking space and community center.

Past Global Day of Coderetreat C&S Meetup events: 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

2023 was a great year. We remembered to take lots of pictures, including our extensive notes taken during the closing circle.

What happens at a C&S Coderetreat?

Coderetreats, as C&S runs, focus intensively on pair programming and test-driven development. We run a series of sessions wherein participants implement the same exercise in different languages and with different constraints. These constraints may alter the core exercise — zero-player simulation game Conway’s Game of Life — or restrict what language features you can use, require a novel testing strategy, or alter the pairing dynamic or communication.

A man and a woman in front of two laptops, both looking at the one to their left, mid-thought as they solve a coding problem.
Two Coderetreat participants, Grant and Teal, work together during a session. Photo by Colin Dean.

One of our favorite constraints is called evil coder: one person writes tests, and the other person writes the production code. The latter writes the bare minimum code necessary to get a test to pass, even if the operations of the code are deceptive to the tester! This exercise encourages the tester to write thorough tests that carefully constrain the business logic.

Why should you attend a Coderetreat?

When you understand what participants shared during retrospectives that they learned, what surprised them, and what they’ll do differently, you’ll want to come to our next Coderetreat.

Several people stand in around a U-shaped set of tables. One person is seated and two women stand in the center of the tables. They are discussing what they learned in the previous 45 minute session. A projected screen says Retrospective in white lettering on a red background.
Participants share their learnings during a session retrospective at the 2023 Global Day of Coderetreat in Pittsburgh at Code & Supply Workspace. Photo by Colin Dean.

What did you learn?

Some highlights:

  • How to implement and use granular tests
  • What do I actually need?
  • Prefer careful design and planning [to immediately coding]
  • Quick start templates are great for CR and general coding
  • Python dataclasses and decorators
  • GitHub Copilot [ed. a new suggested constraint for 2023 was to use only Copilot for a session; no humans writing code!]
  • IntelliJ generators for Java objects
  • C# LINQ

What surprised you?

Some highlights:

  • Rusty! Skill atrophy while working on a lot of non-code tasks makes practice like Coderetreat incredibly valuable
  • It’s fun to solve the same problem multiple times
  • I still felt productive despite working in an unfamiliar language if my partner knew it well
  • I could learn from retrospectives and apply ideas to the next session
  • I was surprised I never finished! oo
  • My second year was even more enjoyable than the first because I embraced process over product for the day.
  • A great mix of skill levels and openness among participants enhances the exercise.

And, most importantly, what will you do differently after today?

A woman wearing an orange fast mask and a blue T-shirt that says Academy Pittsburgh stands in front of a projected display that says What Will You Do Differently After [Today].
Jean Lange asks during the Coderetreat closing circle with arms open, “What will you do differently after today?” Photo by Colin Dean

Some highlights:

  • I want to do an intra-team Coderetreat
  • I want to more often pair out of fun and curiosity than just rubber-ducking or needing help with a particular problem; to collaborate instead of extract or aid
  • I will think about coding design more deeply
  • I will use code katas more often to practice skills
  • I understand and accept “Go slow now to go fast later

What’s next?

What will you do when you’ve gained a new perspective through practicing software development in an environment that focuses on process over product for a day?

We hope you’ll join us for the next Coderetreat next November, if not sooner. Join the Pittsburgh Code & Supply Meetup to see more events like this and be notified when we’re holding another Coderetreat event. You should also join the C&S mailing list and follow us on the fediverse.

We sincerely thank our veteran facilitators, Jean Lange, Jenny Manning, Greg Hopkins, and Colin Dean. A special shout to C&S Compensation Survey Report co-author Philip Kyler for handling our logistics, including keeping us caffeinated with fresh coffee all day. Jean brought doughnuts and both Colin and Jean took pictures. We also thank Jim Hurne and Matt Fulgo for running past events.

A man, two women, and another man stand in front of a whiteboard that days Global Day of Coderetreat @ Code & Supply with small writing beneath. The man on the left is wearing a gray shirt with a sunset stripe. The man on the right is wearing a green hoodie. Only the women’s heads are visible. There is a speaker on a stand behind them all.
Colin Dean, Jean Lange, Jenny Manning, and Greg Hopkins. Photo by Colin Dean.

We also thank our generous sponsors, DOT FOUNDRY and Thoughtworks employees, who wanted to ensure that we had high-quality sustenance for the event and help cover other costs. Code & Supply events discourage pizza and establish sandwiches as a baseline, but these sponsors helped us upgrade to Choolaah’s wonderful fast-casual Indian bistro.

Two signs saying “Global Day of Coderetreat in Pittsburgh” and “Code & Supply thanks his sponsor for covering a portion of expenses for today’s event” with DOT FOUNDRY and THOUGHTWORKS on each of the two signs. Some illegible text is beneath the logos. The signs stand behind a container of food holding tikka masala. A sign in the foreground says DRINKS IN FRIDGE DOOR.
Thank you, sponsors DOT FOUNDRY and Thoughtworks. Photo by Colin Dean.

Updated 2023–11–06: GDCR started in 2011, not 2013, according to this interview with its co-founder, Corey Haines.



Colin Dean
Leaky Abstractions

Scholar, bon vivant, champion of the oppressed. Pittsburgh-based software engineer+architect+consultant and community builder seeking serenity. http://cad.cx