Call for Proposals: Heartifacts wants your community, mental health and communication talk

Justin Reese
Leaky Abstractions
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2018

This April, Code & Supply will host the first ever Heartifacts conference in Pittsburgh. Heartifacts will be a single-track conference with presentations and group activities that focus on mental health, community and communication skills.

The event program will consist of presentations submitted by the community through an open Call for Proposals (CFP). The CFP is already open and will be accepting submissions until Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2018. While our primary audience is software professionals, we do not wish to limit presenters to only people in the software field and encourage everyone that is interested to submit to this CFP.

If you are considering presenting, please note the following two points.

First, the audience will be intentionally limited to 100 attendees to create an atmosphere where attendees and presenters feel comfortable discussing these sensitive topics.

Second, these are incredibly important topics that should be treated with respect. Presentations should not be a gripe session and should contain actionable advice or informative explanations of concepts. Be sure that your abstract mentions these characteristics of the presentation in order to have the best chance of having your proposal chosen. Further, any advice that is presented should be well thought out for a wide audience and, when possible, cite sources over anecdotes. “Works on my machine” isn’t going to fly here because giving the wrong advice on mental health issues can have catastrophic results.

While the topics are serious, we hope that talks will be entertaining to the audience as much as they are useful.

The CFP is open now until February 14th at

More information about Heartifacts is available on the website:

More information about Code & Supply is available at



Justin Reese
Leaky Abstractions

Founder: Code & Supply, Builder Code Works, Abstractions.