Bring Back The Generation of Astronauts and Scientists

Vidyadhar Sharma
Lean and Tall
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2014


If we prepare our children to be something that just serves them to lead a life and secure their future, then we’re teaching them to be small, selfish and self- sufficient. I think we’re more capable than that.

How disappointing is it that, what once being an astronaut or a scientist was among the highest aspirations of children. And now the society seems to have pushed every single one of them to near impossible, mainly because ‘Success’, what the mediocre people call isn’t guaranteed in these endeavors. Being a scientist in no way pays off and might take half your lifetime to get somewhere worthy. And even after that recognition is something they only can wish for, kind of like fingers-crossed situation for a kid waiting for a gift from Santa.

Money and social security are what children are pushed towards. Being a doctor or an engineer gives security because the world will never stop asking for more engineers and doctors as we progress and as more population gets prone to diseases. However, what no one realizes is that, what we use today, most of the technology came from a time almost a century ago. And all that you see today, including your smartphones and other devices are just small improvements over a period of time. And nothing monumental has been achieved for almost half a century now. And if we prepare our children to be something that just serves them to lead a life and secure their future, then we’re teaching them to be small, selfish and self- sufficient. I think we’re more capable than that.

We can break or make an era that gives us something that can last more than our own lifetime.

We need more scientists, passionate teachers, audacious entrepreneurs, and engineers who make and not just serve.

The fundamental task of an engineer is to make/build things that are based on clear research from scientists or from themselves. That is how we invent new things. As long as we try to keep doing what worked for so long, we just will continue to be the same. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result every time is completely stupid.

We should step into more audacious endeavors and challenging engineering projects to have monumental results and push the human race ahead in leaps and bounds. I’m not saying we should look for great leaps. I’m saying if we continue to do what we are already doing, we will never be able to advance into a new form of living from where we can look further ahead. All we are doing right now is, trying to replicate the same results of the success of the previous century and make it work right now. But hey! It’s not going to work. The situations that they had, the resources that existed were different than ours.

We are a lot more capable than the previous generation and it’s important for us to make the brave decisions whether or not to follow the same or to step into a brighter future with audacious moves of growth and exploration.

To all parents out there, encourage your children to be more audacious and help them get rid of the fear of failure. They’re a lot more capable than we think. Inspire them to take up careers that not just makes them grow, but enables them to push a generation ahead with themselves.



Vidyadhar Sharma
Lean and Tall

On the quest to make learning meaningful and easier for everyone.