8 Effective Detox Water Mixes to Burn Fat | Lean Greeny

Henry & Mwila Zulu
Lean Greeny News
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2020

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Weight loss and detox go hand in hand, getting rid of toxins in your body is the steppingstone to burning calories and have effective detox waters to burn fat is essential for success.

What Are the Benefits of Detox Water?

Below is a list of high-quality detox waters, their benefits, and the recipes for preparing them.

#1 Lemon and Ginger Water

Lemon and ginger water are a good place to start. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. While ginger is a great cortisol suppressant that reduces, weight gain by making you fell full, among other attributes.

Which makes them a great combined resource for your body to receive the nutrients needed for weight loss.

These foods have similar properties and are good for cleansing your body of the excess fats and toxins that can lead to weight gain and obesity, which lead to chronic illnesses.

Ingredients: 1/2 lemon (sliced), 1-inch knob ginger (grated or chopped), mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle and top up as you go about your day.

#2 Apple and Cinnamon Water

Apples are an amazing source of pectin which helps in cleansing your intestines and removing bad toxins the natural way. After all, apples are what is used to make apple cider vinegar and we know that ACV has amazing detox and weight loss properties.

Cinnamon can help control your blood sugar levels and prevent an increase in your body’s fat storage. While increasing your metabolism. Which makes it’s faster and easier, for you to breakdown food for digestion, and nutrient absorption.

The combination of these two foods makes a super weight loss and healthy drink for you on the go while you go about your day.

Ingredients: 1/2 apple (sliced), 1–2 cinnamon sticks mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle.

#3 Watermelon and Mint Water.

Mint is a great plant, that tastes and smells great and is rich in nutrients as well as lots of other health benefits, including aiding in indigestion and cleansing your system as if that’s not enough it also improves brain function.

While watermelons also have similar detox capabilities that include liver and kidney (helps prevent kidney stones too 😊) cleansing. Did you know that watermelons are classified as zero calorie foods, and helps you burn calories faster? Awesome right???

This mix will get you started on your dieting journey no problem.

Ingredients: 1 cup watermelon (sliced), 8 mint leaves, mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle, and top up as you go about your day.

#4 Cucumber Water

Cucumbers like watermelons have been in the weight loss and healthy living game for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Cucumbers are high nutrients including antioxidants, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and many more. They help reduce water retention in the body by acting as a natural diuretic which helps speeds up your weight loss.

It is a natural source of water which makes it super for rehydration. Staying hydrated is key to good health while you shed off those extra pounds.

Ingredients: 1/2 medium cucumber (5 -7 slices), mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle and top up as you go about your day.

I like to add either a few mint leaves or lemon slices in mine to give it that extra edge that I need, and it makes it taste better too.

Bottles and Jars to Mix in

Here are our recommended bottles and jars you can use to mix your detox water in.

Wide Mouth BPA-Free Water Bottle

#5 Lemon, Lime and Mint Water

Two votes for lemon 😊. Lemon is great for making detox and weight loss waters, it can be added to several mixtures. As it provides pectin, which helps control your cravings and makes you feel full.

This mix will give you a natural boost of energy by giving you much-needed electrolytes as well as help you rejuvenate your skin and preventing anti-aging as you throw down those pounds.

Ingredients: 1/2 lemon (sliced), 1/2 lime (sliced), 8 mint leaves, mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle and top up as you go about your day.

#6 Grapefruit, Apple Cider Vinegar

If you didn’t know that grapefruit is a good detoxification fruit? While guess again. It is packed with fiber, nutrients, and minerals that are perfect for cleansing your intestines and liver to mention a few.

Couple that with the power of ACV (apple cider vinegar) which is a great natural weight loss and detox supplement you create a super weight loss drink on steroids.

This will not only cleanse your body and hydrate you, but it will also boost your metabolism into hyperdrive.

Ingredients: 1/2 red grapefruits (5–7 slices), 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle.

Adding honey (1tsp) helps with the taste and honey is great for your health and diet.

#7 Pomegranates and Mint Water

Pomegranate seeds have powerful antioxidants that are good for detox. It is rich in antioxidants and protects your body from free radicals and can prevent premature aging.

As well as prevent plaque formation, lowering your stress levels and blood pressure, improving your digestion, and brain function, among others.

That coupled with the benefits of mint makes for great detox water.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds, 10 mint leaves, mix ingredients, with water in a water-bottle.

#8 Carrots, Lemons and Apple Water

Consuming carrots regularly helps improve your eyesight and is a good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants.

Carrots contain pectin which is a soluble fiber that can lower blood sugar levels and slow down the digestion of sugar and starch, providing a good balance. By increasing the good bacteria in your gut.

Ingredients: 1/2 red delicious apple (sliced), 1/2 lemon sliced, and 10 slices of carrots

Our 21-Day Fat Loss Detox Program offers you all you need to detox and reset your body to enable you to lose weight, become a healthier you, and boost immunity. It even has detox in the name 😊.

Sign up for our free training below.


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Originally published at https://www.leangreeny.com on June 16, 2020.

