Preparation Counts…

Missree SV
Lean In Energy
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2021

I have always loved presentations. More than the act of presenting, I enjoy the preparation that goes into making good presentations- hazy start, turning a pile of information into structured content, organizing it into a deck, coming up with the notes and finally, the happiness of creating something.

I recently realized that this drill is not the best approach. In the virtual world, attention spans are getting shorter and most of us are already screen fatigued. So, what draws us towards the content? It is simple. If the speaker clearly conveys what is in it for the audience then people are willing to listen. But, wait? What about the objective of the presentation? The right mix of audience-specific messaging and fulfilling the objectives of the presentation serves the purpose. And, that is exactly what the preparation should consist of.

The five step framework for producing impactful presentations-

1. WHO- The Audience

The more you know the audience the easier your success. Get to know your audience’s concerns, pain points, expectations and interests.

2. WHY- The Objective

The intent of the presentation is key. It is much more than just sharing information. Are you aiming to encourage salesforce to promote a product? Are you trying to persuade them? Trying to find out what they are going through and calm them down?

3. WHAT- The Content

Adjust your content to the audience and the objective within the given time duration.

4. HOW- The Structure and Design

The way you present matters- Chronology, context setting, transitions, visual aids, audience interactions


This is where a presenter brings a personal flavor. What will make your audience connect with you and keep their attention intact? A deep question, a joke, unknown fact, an anecdote etc. This is where we bring authenticity and originality into the presentation.

After the presentation, you can ask yourself whether the objective (step 2) is met or not. I had a eureka moment when I experienced the magic of fine-tuning. Facilitating presentations with participants sharing their personal sales success stories proves to be more encouraging compared to the traditional style of product information-packed presentations. That was my biggest takeaway from Preparing Presentations and the art of storytelling by a renowned communication specialist and author Kim A. Page.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

The best presentations leave the participants with the feeling that the presenter aims to deliver. This five step framework helps in conveying audience specific messaging and also, influencing your audience to meet the purpose of the presentation.

Kim A. Page’s book “The Right Kind of Loud: Finding Your Communication Voice” is part of the curriculum at several business schools.



Missree SV
Lean In Energy

A voracious reader, A novice writer and A yoga enthusiast