Women on Boards: Learn What It Means To Serve On A Board

Lean In SF Leadership
Lean In SF
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2018
Right to left: Olga Mack, Nancy Poon Lue and Linda Mayer

Event Recap by Emma Porteus

Our March event featured a panel about what it means to serve on a board. We heard from guest speakers Olga Mack, Founder of Women Serve on Boards, Nancy Poon Lue, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and former Senior Advisor at the Department of Education under Obama and Linda Mayer, former CEO at Schott — 1B revenue company and serves on multiple boards.

Getting on your first board.

The first board position is hard to secure. There is a cycle of need to be on a board to get on a board bur also a cycle of when you impress, you get put on more boards. If this is something you are interested in, the speakers’ suggested looking for where the action happens in your company or volunteer group and getting close to the center of activity. Common positions needed on boards include fundraising, finance, secretary, or an expert in the field. Focus on the skillset of a needed board position that interests you and become more of a needed asset.

Nonprofit boards are a great place to start.

Pretty much everyone who is on a for-profit board is also on a nonprofit board. There are more opportunities to get on a nonprofit board, you can choose something to donate time to that you are really passionate about and you can meet people who have connections to other board positions.

Key Takeaway

Position yourself for opportunities to impress — whether at work, volunteer activities, or board positions as they come. The more you can be at the center of activity and impress in those positions, the easier board positions will come.



Lean In SF Leadership
Lean In SF

Our mission is to empower and inspire women to be bold, confident, and lean in to their greatest potential.