Breaking the Barriers — Role Model Women of India

Shilpi Mitra
Lean In Women In Tech India
5 min readMay 10, 2024

“When a woman realizes her worth, she becomes an unstoppable force, breaking through barriers and illuminating the path for others to follow.” 🌟

In the pursuit of gender equality, we stand at a pivotal moment where the barriers faced by women are not just recognized but actively challenged. It’s crucial to acknowledge the hurdles that still stand in the way of women’s progress, but there is a growing momentum of change driven by resilient women and allies worldwide.

Breaking barriers for women means creating inclusive policies, fostering equitable workplaces, and supporting women’s economic empowerment. It’s about transforming social norms and cultural practices that have long perpetuated gender inequality.

I want to share some of the remarkable stories of Indian women across various industries who are breaking barriers and paving path for us.

There are so many more stories about women who have gone an extra mile in their courage and made their mark. These women exemplify resilience, determination, and the spirit of breaking barriers. Their stories continue to inspire generations, proving that gender should never limit one’s aspirations and achievements. Learning from the experiences of trailblazing women can be incredibly inspiring and educational.

Here is my take on how to learn from these rich experiences:

  1. Read Biographies and Autobiographies:
  • Start by reading biographies or autobiographies of these remarkable women. Their personal accounts provide insights into their challenges, triumphs, and the mindset that propelled them forward.
  • Look for books or articles that delve into their early life, education, career choices, and the pivotal moments that shaped their paths.

2. Attend Talks and Conferences:

  • Keep an eye out for talks, conferences, or webinars where these women share their experiences. Many of them participate in public events, discussing their journeys, obstacles, and strategies for success.
  • Attend these sessions to gain firsthand knowledge and ask questions if possible.

3. Identify Common Themes:

  • Analyze common themes across their stories. Look for patterns related to resilience, determination, adaptability, and risk-taking.
  • Consider how these themes can be applied to your own life and career.

4. Reflect on Challenges and Strategies:

  • Reflect on the challenges these women faced. Did they encounter gender bias, societal norms, or personal setbacks? How did they overcome these obstacles?
  • Pay attention to the strategies they employed. Did they seek mentorship, build networks, or persistently pursue their goals?

5. Connect with Role Models and Mentors:

  • Seek out role models and mentors who share similar fields or aspirations. Connecting with experienced individuals can provide guidance, encouragement, and practical advice.
  • Reach out to professionals in your desired industry or domain. Learn from their experiences and seek mentorship.

6. Embrace Continuous Learning:

  • Many of these women emphasized the importance of learning and staying curious. Whether through formal education, online courses, or self-study, prioritize continuous learning.
  • Explore topics related to your interests, and don’t shy away from acquiring new skills.

7. Challenge Stereotypes and Bias:

  • These women broke barriers precisely because they challenged stereotypes and societal norms. Be aware of any biases you encounter and actively work to dismantle them.
  • Advocate for diversity and inclusion in your workplace or community.

8. Set Bold Goals:

  • Set ambitious goals for yourself. These women didn’t settle for mediocrity; they aimed high and persevered.
  • Break down your goals into smaller steps and celebrate each milestone.

9. Network and Collaborate:

  • Networking is crucial. Build relationships with like-minded individuals, attend industry events, and collaborate on projects.
  • Surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages growth and learning.

10. Stay Resilient and Persevere:

  • Remember that setbacks are part of any journey. These women faced failures and disappointments but kept moving forward.
  • Develop resilience, learn from failures, and keep pushing toward your goals.

In summary, learning from these extraordinary women involves studying their stories, applying their strategies, and adapting their mindset. Their experiences serve as powerful lessons for anyone aspiring to break barriers and achieve greatness. These stories are not just narratives of individual triumph but are also powerful reminders of the collective progress we can achieve when we support and empower women to break through barriers. Let’s continue to celebrate and amplify such stories of success and transformation.

As professionals, we have the power to contribute to this change. Whether it’s through mentorship, advocacy, or implementing inclusive practices within our organizations, every action counts. Let’s commit to breaking barriers and building a world where women’s contributions are valued and their potential fully realized.

Together, we can create a future where gender equality is not just an aspiration but a reality. Let’s continue to push boundaries, challenge the status quo, and ensure that every woman has the opportunity to thrive

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Shilpi Mitra
Lean In Women In Tech India

Engineering Leader at Microsoft Azure SQL | A curious learner | D&I Advocate | Mentor