
Lean In WiTI
Lean In Women In Tech India
3 min readMar 6, 2018

Write for Lean In Women in Tech India

We envision where women in technology creates the opportunity for themselves and others to achieve her success and equal representation in the technology business.

We are looking for writers to propose up-to-date content, mainly focused on software technology, leadership, sharing your story as Women in tech and other adjacent STEM fields. We would love to add your story/article to our publications

Your story will then become part of our followers’ reading lists, appear on the homepage. To read more the articles we publish, check our publication here and to know more about us, visit our website.

Why become a writer?

  • Reach a broader audience with your articles
  • Obtain key feedback about your work from our tech editors
  • Network with our community and encourage other writers

You will remain the only owner of your work and will be able to edit or delete it at any moment, even after we have published it. The feedback our editors and community providers to you will appear at the relevant place in your article.

How to become a writer?

  • You need to have a Medium profile and email your Medium profile to
  • After we make you a writer, you can follow the next steps for submission to our publication.

Steps to submit your story

  • After you create a medium profile, create a draft of your article
  • Add the draft to the publication. Follow the steps here.
  • We strongly encourage our writers to share their drafts, and it will be a more straightforward process to publish your article.

Once we published your first article with us, you are considered as an official writer and can submit your next post directly through Medium. Your article will belong to the publication, and the ownership will remain with you.

Mandatory Tags to be used for your story

#LeanInWiTI #LeanIn #WomeninTechIndia

Promotion of your story/article:

We publish posts on to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and in our weekly newsletter, make sure you follow us to see it coming.

  • We mention you on Twitter if you have your Twitter account registered with your Medium profile.
  • Facebook/Instagram only allows us to mention writers that already liked our page. We invite you to do so. Also, please ensure that your Facebook account is displayed on your Medium profile so we can find you.
  • We mention you on LinkedIn once we find you. If you want to help us to find you, please follow our LinkedIn page. Send us your LinkedIn profile to us when you submit your first article.

How to become a Editor?

  • Please sign up here.
  • After we make you a editor, WiTI team will assign the stories to you for reviews.

Update your LinkedIn profile:

You can update your profile to add your new writer/editor position in your LinkedIn profile.

Follow us

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,Instagram and visit our website

