Delegation : Secret Sauce for successful leadership

Jain Neelam
Lean In Women In Tech India
3 min readJun 27, 2024

“With twins you will need multiple hands to help you, Neelam” — said the doctor as I was close to my due date.

But as a new mom, I wanted to do give the best care to my kids and do everything for them MYSELF, even though I have the most supportive partner. As much as this new phase of life was exciting and fulfilling, it eventually started to lead to burnout, frustration and anxiety with sleepless nights, constant diaper changes and feeding schedules. A fellow mom suggested that I share responsibilities with my partner and hire additional help and delegate some tasks. Coming from someone who had been there done that, it sounded chords with me but I had my own doubts:

  • Would I be doing justice to my kids?
  • How can I trust someone else to take care of children the same way as we would?
  • Would that mean sub-optimal care for them?
  • Am I being selfish by seeking time and space for myself? Isn’t maternity leave meant for me to only focus on kids?
  • And many more

Eventually with lot of apprehensions I discussed with my partner, hired help and started to delegate child care tasks. Within few days, I found my own mental and physical health getting better. I was able to spend more time with my family and there was an improved harmony around. Above all, I was able to continue providing best care to my kids with better energy levels.

I realized that Delegation is not about passing off work because you don’t want to do; it’s about empowering your self and people around to achieve better outcomes.

Over the years , delegation has only grown in importance as a tool for managing effectively at home and work.

But delegation may not come easy the first time. And to help fellow readers overcome that, here I share tips on steps to effective Delegation:

• Identify the Right Tasks: Not all tasks are suitable for delegation. One needs to identify which tasks can be effectively delegated and which require their direct involvement.

Choose the Right People: It’s crucial to match tasks with team members who have the appropriate skills and experience. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each team member is key to effective delegation.

• Clearly Define Expectations: Clear communication is essential. One should provide detailed instructions, set clear expectations, and outline the desired outcomes to ensure that team members understand what is required of them.

Provide Resources and Support: Delegation doesn’t mean abandoning the team. One should provide the necessary resources, support, and guidance to help team members succeed in their tasks.

Monitor and Give Feedback: Regular monitoring and feedback are important to ensure that tasks are on track and to address any issues that arise. Constructive feedback helps team members learn and improve.

  • Trust and Empower: Delegation requires a certain level of trust. One should empower their team members, giving them the autonomy to complete tasks in their own way while being available for support if needed.

Effective delegation is a cornerstone of successful management. It not only enhances productivity and efficiency but also fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and professional growth. By mastering the art of delegation, leaders can ensure that their teams are empowered, motivated, and equipped to tackle the challenges of the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

