Devi Anantharaman
Lean In Women In Tech India
3 min readSep 19, 2023



Finding Clarity Amidst Complexity: Balancing the Art of Zooming In and Zooming Out in Your Career

One of my neighbours recently purchased a drone camera and captured a stunning video of the Onam festivities taking place at the open-air theater within our residential community. I was truly amazed by the aerial footage, and it offered me a fresh outlook on my surroundings within the neighbourhood. This got me thinking.

We are so much lost in the finer details that we end up missing the big picture at times. I could relate this quite well with our career journey.

The Zoom-In, Zoom-Out Approach

As you navigate your career journey, it’s crucial to adopt a “zoom-in, zoom-out” approach. This concept is analogous to a camera lens, allowing you to focus on the finer details while also gaining a broader perspective. Here’s why this approach is essential:

a. Zooming In: Attention to Detail

In the early stages of your career and when working on specific projects or tasks, zooming in becomes essential. This is when you dive deep into the intricate details of your work. It’s about perfecting your skills, honing your expertise, and ensuring that you’re delivering exceptional results.

b. The Importance of Mastery

Zooming in allows you to achieve mastery in your chosen field. It’s about becoming the go-to expert, the person who can solve complex problems with precision. This level of attention to detail is often what sets you apart from the competition and helps you climb the career ladder.

Zooming Out: Embracing the Big Picture

However, career success isn’t just about mastering the details; it’s also about understanding the big picture. This is especially important as you climb up your career ladder. When you zoom out, you gain a broader perspective on your industry, organisation, and your role within it. Here’s why this matters:

a. Strategic Thinking

Zooming out enables strategic thinking. It helps you see how your work fits into the larger goals of your organisation. You start to understand the why behind what you do, and this understanding is essential for making informed decisions that drive progress.

b. Resilience and Perspective

Zooming out also plays a vital role in resilience. It allows you to see setbacks and failures as part of a more extensive journey. Instead of getting bogged down by challenges, you can view them as opportunities for growth and learning. This perspective shift can help you bounce back stronger and more determined.

Balancing the Zoom-In, Zoom-Out Approach

Achieving the right balance between zooming in and zooming out is key. Early in your career, you might naturally focus on honing your skills, but as you progress, it’s essential to periodically zoom out and reevaluate your goals and direction. Regularly ask yourself:

  • What am I trying to achieve in the bigger picture?
  • How does my current work contribute to those larger goals?
  • What can I learn from setbacks and failures to adjust my course?

Remember, adaptability is not just about adapting to change in the present; it’s also about adapting your perspective and strategy as your career evolves. By mastering the art of zooming in and zooming out, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the twists and turns of your professional journey, ultimately propelling your career forward.

Preethi Guruswamy Sobhitha Neelanath Deeksha Jaiswal Devi Anantharaman Surabhi Kumari Shilpi Mitra

