

I can’t believe it’s the last Sunday of the #LeanInWiTI100daysOnLinkedIn. It feels like yesterday when I started the circle along with six amazing women — Sobhitha Neelanath, Shilpi Mitra, Devi Anantharaman, Dhivya Rao , Surabhi Kumari and Deeksha Jaiswal from #LeanInNetworkWITI to try out blogging. Recently I got to know, one of them called as Saptha Rishis. I liked the name :). For your information — The Saptarishi are the seven sages of Indian mythology who brought down to the earth the required knowledge and energies to strengthen the processes of transition.

We wanted to share our collective wisdom and expertise as #EmpoweredVoices for 100days on LinkedIn with hashtag #LeanInWiTI100daysOnLinkedIn.

We agreed to do 100 days of posting on LinkedIn, which seemed like an impossible task at first. But we were determined to do it, and we supported each other along the way. We brainstormed, researched, wrote, and posted on topics that we were passionate about, curious about, or experienced in. We learned from each other’s diverse perspectives, skills, and stories. We chose topics that we were curious about, passionate about, or experienced in. We wrote about technology, AI, leadership, self-awareness, self-reflection, creative thinking, stories, and many more. We used anecdotes, questions, stories, or other techniques to engage the readers. We received positive feedback and requests from our peers, colleagues, and strangers. We expanded our network and reach and created a ripple effect of empowerment. WE LERNT TOGETHER, WE WERE POWERHOUSE OF KNOWELDGE!

We met on the 97th day to reflect on our journey, and we were surprised by how much we had achieved. We had written and posted on LinkedIn every day for 100 days. We had learned, shared, and empowered ourselves and others. We had made a difference.

We decided to share our learnings and takeaways with you, and we hope you find them valuable and inspiring.

Outcome of Inspiring Experience

Outcome of Inspiring Experience

Our takeaways were a wonderful experience. — We learned a lot, grew a lot, and achieved a lot. We are proud of ourselves and each other. We are grateful for each other. We are #EmpoweredVoices. 😊

  • The challenge motivated us to stay committed to writing and to each other, and to post on LinkedIn every day without missing a single day.
  • The challenge helped us learn from each other’s diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills, and explore topics ranging from engineering to HR, from Nobel prizes to leadership styles, from tech trends to work behaviors.
  • The challenge inspired us to support and promote each other’s content, and to give reminders, feedback, brainstorming ideas, and accountability to each other.
  • The challenge enabled us to break barriers and procrastination and unleash the creativity and confidence as writers. We were able to research and write on relevant and relatable topics in a short time span.
  • The challenge expanded our boundaries and reached a wider audience through our articles, and through our events on LinkedIn.

Learning & Growing Together

Our Learning from the experience we share!

We learned together from our 100 days of LinkedIn posts. As Simon Sinek said, “Together is better” and “We are not the sum of our parts, we are the sum of our interactions”. Our interactions with all of you enriched our learning experience!

  • We became more confident in our writing abilities and in announcing our achievements on a public platform.
  • We overcame our hesitation and procrastination and developed consistency and discipline in writing and posting every week.
  • We learned from each other’s diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills, and explored topics that were relevant and relatable to audience.
  • We developed our style of writing, using anecdotes, questions, stories, or other techniques to engage the readers.
  • We expanded our network and reach and received positive feedback and requests from peers and colleagues.
  • We realized that one need not to be an expert or know it all to express the point of view on a topic, but researching and knowing enough is enough to get started.
  • We achieved a big target of 100 days, that sounded impossible at first, and felt empowered and surprised by our own potential.

This is our story, and this is our message. And hope that you join us and become an #EmpoweredVoice too. 😊

Join the #LeanInNetworkWiTI.

Did you know?

Lean In Network, Women in Tech India has more than 3500 Women in their network across India and have 5000 followers across social media. They have amazing initiatives to empower women both online and offline.

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If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should sign up for the membership form today. It’s easy, fast, and free.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY Just click on this link here and fill out your details. You will receive a confirmation email and an invitation to join the WhatsApp group. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with other amazing women. Sign up now and become part of the #EmpoweredVoices community. 😊



Preethi Guruswamy-Executive Coach for Tech Leaders
Lean In Women In Tech India

Preethi helps aspiring leaders unleash their inner wisdom, enhance their presence, lead with EQ, & courage for long-term success. www.preethiguruswamy.com