OpenAI Paving the Way for Peaceful Human-AI Existence

Lakshmi R. Kanchi
Lean In Women In Tech India
3 min readMar 7, 2018

There is no middle ground with AI. You are either an ardent supporter or a leading doomsayer.

Treading the AI landscape, you learn that technologies evolve and act unpredictably. Such as back in 2016, when Microsoft’s AI-powered chatbot — Tay was released on Twitter. It quickly turned from being functional and friendly, to overly aggressive and openly anti-Semitic. Although Tay was promptly retired, a much-publicised scandal remained in its wake.

Then there are also instances where AI comes out a winner. Such as back in 2011, when IBM’s Watson won a game of Jeopardy against not one, but two human challengers and Jeopardy champions. Watson could not only interpret the questions that were asked, it could also comprehend the appropriate responses and deliver them by pushing the buzzer faster than the other contestants! This floored the tech world.

Whatever the case, it pays to remember that AI as a technology is still in the nascent stages of development. We are yet to expand our understanding, as we set about experimenting with speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, image classification, machine translation and more. We need the right structure and regulatory oversight in order to do it right the first time and avoid potential pitfalls.

OpenAI and AI Safety

OpenAI is a non-profit research group created to study the ethics and safety of Artificial Intelligence. At OpenAI, a group of researchers devise structures that make using and applying the emerging hyper-intelligent AI technologies safe. Applications are also considered for making AI more capable and maximizing the societal benefits.

The greater humanitarian goal is to control AI and deploy cautiously, safeguarding the human race from rogue AI. And reducing the existential risk by paying close attention to developments in this field.

Elon Musk co-founded the organization with Y Combinator president Sam Altman. All research and patents earned by the company are open to the public.

Since the inception, the body of work has largely been interdisciplinary. Ranging from cybersecurity, computer sciences, economics, philosophy, law & order and various branches of AI itself.

OpenAI Core Developments

For all of us who are concerned about the near-term impacts of AI, such as weaponization, surveillance and swaying of public sentiment through hype and propaganda generation, the work that OpenAI is engaged in is critical.

They have gained a lot of ground in the last few years. This includes some fine accomplishments. Such as robots that are capable of creating their own language! And computers that are able to teach robots quickly, through what is called a ‘one-shot-learning’ process. Also, an OpenAI Gym, a training algorithm for intelligent agents and techs.

OpenAI created a bot that ultimately defeated a world-class DOTA 2 player. For those who are unaware DOTA is a popular video game that is considered more challenging than chess.

In addition to all these, OpenAI has released an algorithm, codenamed MADDPG, that explores multi-agent environments in machine learning. Thus, making it possible to study agents playing good cop / bad cop, and collaborating or competing on tasks.

Collaborating for an AI Future

As AI continues to evolve, the ways in which the AI-based systems can be used maliciously will grow. This is when watchdogs such as OpenAI will become crucial to making sound decisions, about where to cut-back and where to proceed.

Overall, we are in good hands. Knowing that experts are conscientious of the possible negative impacts and that they have the opportunity to work together on these matters.

How WorkFusion Leverages AI

WorkFusion is on the same path! We are creating value for organizations through robust AI implementations. Strengthened with AI algorithms that boost performance, the bots are able to perform more work within the processes. And, the bots themselves are laboriously tweaked for safe performance.

Learn more about how WorkFusion is helping organizations through AI-backed robotic process automation, agile, digital workforce, cognitive automation and more.



Lakshmi R. Kanchi
Lean In Women In Tech India

I write about the future of technology ML, AI, BigData, BI, Cloud & more. I am an engineer & techie, with years of experience working with the best in the field