
Ravana in the Digital Age: Unmasking Modern Evils on Social Media

Devi Anantharaman
Lean In Women In Tech India
2 min readOct 24, 2023


Today, Indians around the world celebrate Dussehra. The celebration of this festival is founded in the epic Ramayana. It is the day Rama defeats the demon king Ravana,after kidnapping Rama’s wife, Sita. It is also known as Vijayadashami, which means the tenth day of victory. The festival commemorates the victory of good over evil, truth over falsehood, and righteousness over injustice. I came across this image today on twitter and here is my take on this.

In the modern age, the concept of a “Ravana” figure can be symbolically linked to certain aspects of social media. Here’s a creative interpretation of how a modern-age “Ravana” might be associated with social media:

1. The Duplicity of Online Persona 🎭: Just as Ravana had multiple heads, a modern-age Ravana on social media may have multiple online personas or identities, each projecting a different image. These personas could represent various facets of a person’s life, sometimes masking their true self.

2. The Temptation of Digital Desires: In the Ramayana, Ravana’s desire for Sita led to his downfall. In the digital realm, the constant exposure to idealised lifestyles, materialism, and popularity can tempt individuals into pursuing unrealistic and unfulfilling desires.

3. The Invasion of Privacy🔒: Ravana abducted Sita, infringing upon her personal space. In the digital age, the invasion of privacy through cyberbullying, hacking, or online harassment can be seen as a parallel to this.

4. The Lust for Power and Control💪: Ravana’s desire for power is well-known. On social media, individuals and entities may seek power and control by manipulating information, spreading misinformation, or influencing public opinion for personal or political gains.

5. The Battle for Righteousness⚖️: Just as Lord Rama fought Ravana to restore righteousness, online activists and responsible users often engage in battles against online trolls, cyberbullying, and hate speech to maintain a more positive and just online environment.

6. The False Sense of Immortality: Ravana believed he was immortal due to a boon. Similarly, the content shared on social media can create a sense of immortality, but it’s essential to remember that everything online is susceptible to scrutiny, and digital actions have consequences.

7. The Redemption and Learning: In some interpretations of the Ramayana, Ravana’s character undergoes a transformation and seeks spiritual wisdom. In the digital age, even individuals who have made mistakes on social media can learn from their experiences and strive for personal growth.

This analogy suggests that the qualities and actions associated with Ravana in the Ramayana can find modern equivalents in the complexities and challenges of social media. It serves as a reminder to approach digital platforms with mindfulness, responsibility, and ethical conduct, just as one should approach life’s decisions with virtue and respect.

Preethi Guruswamy Sobhitha Neelanath Deeksha Jaiswal Devi Anantharaman Surabhi Kumari Shilpi Mitra

