Lean Product Guidelines

Goran Begic
Lean Product
Published in
Feb 24, 2021
Copyright: Goran Begic

Here is a list of criteria that a blog post should meet in order to be published on Lean Product. In no particular order:

  • Must provide practical value.
  • Opinions are welcome, especially if based on experience or accompanied with examples.
  • No BS. Sometimes we do it without knowing it; It’s normal. Sometimes t’s an integral part of achieving clarity. The articles need to be reviewed for BS before posting.
  • Use of the word “leverage” is not permitted. The only exception is this post.
  • Discrimination of any kind is not going to be tolerated; This applies to all the content, including the comments.
  • Minority views, contrarian views, skepticism are all welcome as long as they adhere to the other guidelines. Diversity is encouraged and welcome, it leads to innovation.
  • If possible, a fun, entertaining read is better than a long, serious dissertation.



Goran Begic
Lean Product

Offering manager at Broadcom. Interested in innovations that solve real-life problems. Always learning.