Principles of Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2019

What is value?

Contingent upon the sort of business process and industry setting, the client characterizes value and value is identified with client’s impression of a product or service, which the person in question is happy to pay for i.e. the customer. There has been a misconception that value is defined normally by the organisation but it’s the customer who defines value.

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Map the value stream

The next step after identifying value is to map the value stream, the following stage is to draw a guide which contains the precise progression of data and recognize every one of the means in the value stream in every particular procedure, and removing out things which don’t generate value. The waste can be broken into two classifications: unnecessary non-value added and necessary non-value added.

Create Flow

After removing unnecessary procedures or steps that generate waste the client has a better chance of getting precisely what they need. With the help of this step, the organisation is also able to reduce the cost of delivery. In the step the flow of the process is judged and the bottlenecks which have identified in the previous step are being worked upon. Tools like the Pareto chart and Ishikawa diagram (cause & effect diagram) could help you identify the cause of disturbance.

Establish Pull
In this step, we aim to improve the delivery process to the customer by following Just-in-time manufacturing where things are delivered when it is needed and by following this there will no overproduction and lesser work-in-progress which will help to free up space and save us money.

Seek Perfection

This step talks more about maintaining things after you are done with Identifying the value, Mapping the value stream, Creating flow, Establishing pull. In this stage, we seek to achieve perfection by focusing on continuous improvement i.e. Kaizen. The processes are repeated until it reaches a stage where there is value created with no waste or minimal waste.

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