Use of Six Sigma DMAIC in Creating Business Strategies

Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma
Published in
6 min readJun 6, 2022

Six Sigma encompasses a wealth of tools and procedures that make it one of the most effective ways to improve company processes. Lean & Six Sigma is concerned with improving processes, determining what causes errors and defects, and determining how to improve and regulate the effectiveness of improvements made.

DMAIC is one of the most extensively utilised and popular Six Sigma approaches (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control). The DMAIC methodology covers the complete process in its entirety, leaving no gaps for missing data. Let’s take a quick look at the DMAIC method and how it might help you develop a business strategy.

1. Define

“Define” is concerned with the problem’s definition (s). This step is critical because it establishes the foundation for a strategy and has a direct impact on the outcome you desire. The project leader, in collaboration with the champion, explains the existing state of a process, its impact on the firm, how consumers perceive it, and the benefits of implementing the changes, among other things.

The Big Ys, or the significant outcomes you expect from the strategy, are one of the most essential outcomes of this phase. Then the important ones that are critical to the organisation and customer requirements must be finalised.

A project charter with objective KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and goals is also created during the Define phase. These determine the strategy’s direction and clearly specify the goals or outcomes you hope to attain through your business plan. We apply the same process to develop corporate strategy, and leadership can set or confirm each company aim in terms of relevance and importance.

The define phase employs a variety of techniques to enhance and develop a strong plan that can be used to better define a company’s existing position. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is one of these tools.

2. Measure

The most accurate way to assess a company’s performance is to use numbers. In the Measure phase of the DMAIC process, it is critical to continuously measure business improvement. This phase also allows us to ensure that the strategy is on track and operating according to plan.

Data gathering and projections are heavily used during this phase since they may provide a precise picture of how the organisation is doing and how the process affects general functioning. You can also use your intuition or experience in the process, but it must be supported up by evidence that proves the need for the adjustments. As a result, there are numerous cues to have a comprehensive and tailored business plan for the firm and the process in question.

The Measure phase encompasses all facets of a process or organisation. This includes going over balance sheets, ROIs, cash flow statements, and so on, whether it’s about financial performance or internal growth.

When developing a corporate strategy, performance in other critical areas is crucial. Internal measurements that affect the big Y include safety, continuous improvement, employee turnover, and so on. This aids managers in developing a strategy that addresses all of the concerns while also ensuring holistic efficiency and unrestricted performance.

Many tools can be used to assess these performance inputs, such as benchmarking studies, which provide both internal and external data in comparison to a baseline, allowing organisations to understand performance within and among competitors.

3. Analyse

This has to be one of the most important stages of the DMAIC model. A thorough analysis of the business and market during the Analyse phase allows management and leadership to determine the best strategy for their business.

In the Measure phase, we use the assessment supported by data, which provides us with a detailed overview of the SWOT analysis and other data in the spotlight. This allows a company to validate the need and conduct a root cause analysis of its performance, gaps in business strategy, product cycle, efficiency, number of effects, and other factors.

This phase enables leadership to conduct a critical analysis to determine what is working, what is not, and what can be improved. This lays the groundwork for the next phase, and the overall streamlining of the business strategy is visible. This also aids in comprehending the X’s, or the independent variables that have a direct impact on the big Y, or the goal. Everything matters in the Xs, including customer response, the economy, political interference, market growth, and so on.

This phase necessitates the use of experienced and talented personnel with a strong sense of knowledge and a wealth of experience judging the essentials. Because the results are not always easy to understand and can lead to other core areas, it is critical to stick to the main agenda defined in the Define phase. As a result, executives must sift through the data and crunch the numbers to identify areas where the organisation can improve.

4. Improve

The Improve phase takes centre stage as a strategy that must be continuously improved and updated, especially with changing client demands, economic and technical factors, and so on. The strategy must be continuously improved as customer needs, industry trends, and economic and technical factors change. After analysing how the Xs affect the Ys, management can use this information to change or advance their business strategy.

After completing the Define, Measure, and Analyse phase, you will have a clear picture of the areas that require attention and improvement. Management and its expertise are also important in gaining a better understanding of the competition, industry trends, and pooling ideas to create a precise and thorough business strategy. As the leader of the improvement process, the project champion drives the newly created strategy and its goals forward.

This phase necessitates precision and attention to detail because it frequently involves the testing of new products or services. As a result, having accurate risk measurements, customer-focused surveys, and real-world testing becomes critical. One of the most important steps in the Improve phase is risk assessment.

Many tools, such as risk matrixes, financial sensitivity analysis, revenue forecasting, and so on, can be used to assess risks. This enables the leadership to fully comprehend the impact on the organisation and make appropriate changes to the business strategy. The strategy is improved during the improvement phase by adding details and a plan of action. This is accomplished through the Define phase’s discussion of a corporate vision, stretch targets, and goals. Leadership establishes realistic milestones to achieve the desired goals in addition to high-level KPIs (Key Performance Indicators or X’s).

These KPIs would then be used by business unit leaders to create performance indicators, which would then be used to develop performance targets.

These targets are then used by Black Belts and Green Belts to identify Six Sigma projects that will assist organisations in achieving their desired goals through efficiency and growth.

5. Control

A strategy is never complete unless it is constantly monitored and managed. This not only provides real-time effects and inputs to tweak the strategy and ensure it follows the leadership’s path.

During this phase, management develops the control plan, and KPIs, production, and processes are closely monitored. Many tools, such as balanced scorecards and business dashboards, are used to summaries strategy execution and how its steps are controlled.

During this phase, leadership determines the frequency of meetings, ensuring that everyone is up to date on any changes and the direction of the business strategy. In addition, one of the most important aspects of the control phase is developing a contingency or response plan in the event of any unforeseen circumstances, such as price wars, strikes, new competition, new technology, and so on.

To Conclude

The DMAIC model is a step-by-step model that depicts a disciplined and thorough method for improving and improving a business, its processes, and creating a scalable business strategy. The DMAIC model, with its various phases, makes it simple for the organisation to keep the business strategy on track.

The DMAIC model gives the organisation complete flexibility and control, ensuring that the strategy is aligned with the organization’s interests and goals. With its comprehensive approaches, the DMAIC framework integrates many strategies, tools, and models to allow an organisation to create and implement the best-suited strategy and achieve success and growth!

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