Are you supporting small businesses?

Kirsten van Engelenburg
3 min readApr 9, 2020


These are difficult times for all businesses, big and small. However smaller businesses have much less money means to survive than bigger companies. But it will not surprise me if they do survive as they have shown a huge flexibility and creativity.

Schools, restaurants, theatres, gyms, hairdressers and many other smaller companies have had to close their doors due to the fact that they cannot guarantee the 1.5 m social distance or fall within the prohibition to gather with a group of more than 2 people.

Actually I have been amazed at the creativity and flexibility of all:

  • Schools have developed a fully virtual lesson schedule within days.
  • Restaurants have closed their doors but are open for online orders and deliver at your doorstep.
  • Theatres have embraced live-streaming their concerts and even sought collaborations with their competitors.
  • Gyms have put their lessons online.
  • Hairdressers are selling their hair-dyes.

But there are many more interesting developments:

  • Window washers no longer collect their money door to door but ask for bank transfers
  • Musicians find many ways to play: for seniors, on their balconies, from their living rooms
  • Money collection for charities now goes through whats app. Mind you you should always take care that this is actually coming from a trusted source :-)

Yes, of course there are all kinds of government measures to support smaller companies. But that is not enough. It is up to us to support them as much as possible.

How am I supporting small businesses?

Of course I could do more, but I think small gestures also contribute to their survival.

How are you supporting small (local) businesses?

