How to use value proposition design to organize interview

Natalie Mandriko
Lean Startup Circle
2 min readJun 17, 2017

From organizing conversation during the interview to structuring insights after

Value Proposition Design provides a customer profile canvas as a means to transform a pile of interview notes into a coherent picture that describes a user segment and supports ideation phase of design.

In over a decade in software industry I have never ever done what I had past 6 months in my startup-side project — ACTUALLY talking to potential users of a product to be developed.

I practice Value Proposition Design and I have used a customer profile from it to structure a discussion during the interviews, as well as, to capture interview notes.

Customer profile consists of 3 parts: jobs-to-be-done(functional, emotional, social), pains and gains that a user has currently in the specific domain that you are investigating.

You can download customer profile template, and other templates/canvas that supports you in business model generation and value proposition design, from for free.

After each interview I mapped a user story on the customer profile

User customer profile to identify jobs, pains and gains of the researched segment

Once I have started hearing over and over again something that I have already heard from other in the same earlyvagelist segment, it was time to stop interviewing and start analyzing the interviews to synthesize findings and common themes among the users.

I have put all my interviews on the wall to soak in them.

And the themes emerged that I have mapped on the master profile of the interviewed segment.

It’s important to rank the themes to keep in the mind the most critical jobs, pains and gains while designing value proposition to test with the users.

Read the next post where I will show how you can use another method of organizing interviews insights that comes from by IDEO.

This is a post from series #productdesign where I practice product design and customer development.

Follow me to see product design journey from scratch.



Natalie Mandriko
Lean Startup Circle

I talk about #product #growth, #environment and #climate