Spurti Ravi
Lean In Bangalore
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2018


Four keys to optimal health that no diet can argue with

While we’re all busy leaning in at work, and at home, we often tend to ignore what matters most: our food and drink intake that fuels our high energy activities. The confusion around what to eat and what not to eat that surrounds us today doesn’t help either. There seems to be a new and better way to eat and drink your way to optimal health every month. Today, a friend is keto and tomorrow paleo, your colleague is vegan and your mum is following Ayurveda. I get it… there is a ton of conflicting information, and so you resort to eating a comforting bowl of biryani followed by a scoop (or maybe two) of vanilla ice cream.

Now instead of telling you that you shouldn’t be sneaking in a scoop of ice cream every night, I’d like to tell you what you can eat and drink. Below are four things you can start doing or do more of starting today for a healthier you — and no diet can argue with it.

1) Drink your water: We’ve heard it all the time but most of us don’t seem to follow it and have plenty of excuses for it. I used to be a one glass of water a day kind of gal but today through some mindfulness and discipline I can comfortably drink 2–3 liters. It wasn’t easy- It took me 2 years to get to a point where it was natural for me. If this is something you struggle with, start with an extra glass of water every day and if that’s too much, start with an extra half glass of water and you will get there.

2) Eat your green leafy vegetables: There are so many easy ways in which you can incorporate them- you can blend them into your juices/smoothies, toss up a big leafy salad, spread some creamy pesto on your toast or dig into that bowl of warm dal palak. All delicious options but let’s not forget that they are packed with vitamins, minerals & phytonutrients that help with immunity, energy, beauty and cognition. In my humble opinion, if you are low on energy- get some greens in, if you feel bloated- get some greens in, if you are hungover… you get the idea. And the best part… it is cheap!

3) Eat the rainbow: What’s not to like about an Instagram worthy bowl filled with colorful produce?! Ensuring that your plate or bowl is filled with different colors is an easy trick to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. This way you can avoid convincing yourself that you eat fruits/vegetables by eating a banana/aloo a day (don’t worry we all have a friend like this). You want to get in at least two 2 cups of fruits and 3 cups of vegetables a day. Trust me, it is not that hard… just double down on your sabzis (preferably with minimal oil, butter, ghee and cream).

4) Eat more fat- the good kind: With most of our friends jumping on the keto train, fat has finally started developing a healthy halo around it and for good reason. Let’s not confuse our refined sunflower or canola oils here (FYI-not that great for you) but nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, good quality olive oils are all packed with fats (saturated and unsaturated) that our body needs as it supports everything from good brain health (keeping you sharp as you negotiate next year’s salary) to hormonal health (who needs those long teary nights with a bowl of ice cream during your period). I don’t believe in going overboard, recommending that you add on a pat of ghee with everything you eat or drink but a handful of nuts a day will keep you satiated and sane.

Now go on and eat & drink to a healthier and happier you!



Spurti Ravi
Lean In Bangalore

A food scientist, health & wellness advocate and founder of R&D consulting firm- Ssprout that focuses on plant based food & beverage development.