Noan Fesnoux
LEAP Academy
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2018


By Leo, Grade 8 LEAP Student

Most of the times I go to school because my parents force me to. I mean I like school to meet friends and sometimes to “learn”, I don’t like all the subjects at school… most of them you stay in class and do worksheets. I like working with my hands the most because it makes me learn faster by doing and it makes me focus more. Something I don’t like about regular classes is that you don’t do that many activities and you stay inside the class most of the times doing worksheets.

In my opinion, the best way of learning is doing because it makes you focus more on the subject and get less distracted. We have been working on two projects; making a tree house and a bike rack. We planned and made models. I have been working the most on modeling and destroying a wooden car to reuse the material for our models. we should start building next week.

Something that I learn by doing was making an aquarium at my house, I learned how to measure glass properly and how to measure it by ninety degrees, how to glue it and make it the shape we want. I think that making something at school makes our learning better than doing a worksheet.

Maybe sometimes worksheets are helpful to learn like spelling, math, and more so its fine to do worksheets sometimes.

In Leap, I learned more by doing then doing a worksheet, like teamwork building and leadership, we have been learning how to build tree houses and you use tools correctly without hurting someone, the tree house is made with two triangles in each other with a floor and a small wall in the back like a chair, To get up will build a rope ladder and for the bike rack will make a rope that will bring the bike on the wall and make it stuck there until the next person needs it.

In conclusion that the way, I like to learn and discover more.



Noan Fesnoux
LEAP Academy

Noan is an overall green fellow, with lots of expertise in how to best live sustainably, teach sustainability to our future generations, and love nature