Camping and organizing !!

Quinn Beblow
3 min readJan 24, 2018


Last Monday we started off LEAP with a camping trip to Nyang-Nyang! We spent the morning packing up all our equipment and choosing teams for certain activities. At noon, we hopped on the bus that would take us on an hour and a half ride to our destination. Once we arrived at Nyang-nyang, we started the hike down to the beach. We each took turns carrying the heavy water jugs down the steep, slippery stairs. The beach and camp site was absolutely beautiful. The water was very blue, and the sand was white. Shei, Stef, and I set up our tent, then joined the others for a swim. Afterwards we got together and played some games we had created, it was really fun and we all had some good laughs. While Bronson, Shei and I built a fire, Shoyas group was making spaghetti for dinner. Shortly after dinner, we sat around the fire talking and sharing our ideas of things we could build for being deserted on an island. That night, a storm rolled into our campsite. We spent majority of the night tossing and turning, holding the tent steady, and getting rained on. Everyone woke up in the morning tired and ready to leave. Patrick, Shei, and I explored the beach a bit before we all packed up to go. The hike back up the mountain was hard. By the time I reached the top, I was exhausted and needed a cold drink. I slept the whole way back to school.

I feel I definitely bonded with everyone on the trip, and I think we could've been up for a few more nights there if it wasn’t for the storm. This camping trip set an example for the next big LEAP project. We were going to an Island for five days, and living off the grid/surviving. It’s been a slow couple of days trying to plan out how we will be prepared to leave in four weeks, but we’ve made progress. I am really excited to get started on learning about first aid, shelter making, and everything that comes with living on a (mostly) deserted Island.

