
Leeland Gentry
LEAP Academy
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2017
reference: Jeff Bullas

A great design is not a solution, it is the elimination of the problems. Our first week was a matter of eliminating ideas, scoping the parameters of what could be done in 6 weeks, jumping between independent project as well as group commitments. It is common for LEAP Academy to listen to guest speakers to inspire ideas and to ask questions in order to see the limitations in big picture plans. On Thursday the 17th we had three guests come in to clarify our projects and our design process, one woman we referred to as “The Machine” spoke about failure, and the importance of not dwelling on the idea that failing is the end of the project. She spoke about her reflections, and she explained that it was only when she reflected on paper and then in a speech was she capable of understanding the true lessons of a failed business and how far ahead she was through the experience of failure. For me to see such a successful person not too much older than I am is one of my biggest inspirations. The fact that this woman can speak about failure so clearly and confidently makes me believe that while we do have time limitations, the projects we have decided to undertake will fail in many ways but will learn through the process no matter what.

