LEAP 3.1 — Podcast 2 — Getting Prepped

Noan Fesnoux
LEAP Academy
Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2018

In this podcast, students shared how they are feeling about living off grid, and what they are worried about (and excited about). Because we are tackling something that requires a fair amount of systems thinking, we have found that we are needing to do some good scheduling of events and workshops so we can get a broad understanding. It is a beast of a project, but kind of fun too!

I realize that we may have bitten off more than we can chew with the project, and that is a good realization for the students to have. There are just so many elements of living we take for granted. We are afforded very luxurious lives with much knowledge being passed onto others so that we don’t have to think about the ingredients of our shampoo, where our water comes from, or how to get rid of our waste.



Noan Fesnoux
LEAP Academy

Noan is an overall green fellow, with lots of expertise in how to best live sustainably, teach sustainability to our future generations, and love nature