Seven Weeks of a LEAP in Knowledge.

Miro Sohel
LEAP Academy
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2017

This is a little photo blog into the insight of what went on in the LEAP program.

For me, being part of the LEAP program, a voluntary six-week program at the Green School where a small team of students focuses on self-chosen project and devote every day to solving it, was a journey of education. It is a mix between projects, problem-based and creative work. Being self-leading creates a feeling of control and ownership. However, we were not just alone we had three mentors that are the bomb, not a lot of people can fill shoes like this. Their part was to help us out when we feel stuck, always have our back and with their wisdom give us advice.

Pak Noan

Pak Jason

Pak Mauricio

Here we go, enjoy.


This was the group that I worked most with, we are called the Kombucha group. However, we did make a lot more than just kombucha. Our goal was to make as many different fermented products that we possibly could. We made pickled foods, ginger beer, kimchi, and sauerkraut. We also taught a first-grade class and an Indonesian English learning class, on how to make products like this.

Table Top Games

Myself and a friend of mine were hanging out and came up with the idea of making board games, we went on to design different types and I go really into it. Nevertheless, I did step of this project, but the group of boys are making insanely good quality table top games, their goal is to make students get off their phones and interact with each other. With the three masterpieces that have been created so far, you can feel how there has been a change in our school’s atmosphere, during our breaks and lunch times hoards of young and older student line up to play the games. The group wants to takes it a step further and make a class just for making these kinds of games.

Bamboo Bike

This collaborative and interesting project was held with the Bamboo Art Bikes and E-Corps. Each participant of LEAP had a part of it, some students took the opportunity to fully build a bike.
From harvesting the bamboo, to smoke it and then finally build it. We had an interesting and fun experience on learning practical skills. This was the biggest project in this LEAP block.

Forge guys

This group formed very recently, they pretty much wanted to do something cool and they did. Lucky them it seemed like great fun.


LEAP left some spare time for me to work on personal projects that were mostly filled with University stuff. However, Apart from all that stress I worked a lot on my passion, gardening. I was lucky enough that an architecture group from Australia came to visit the Green School. Myself and a fellow student collaborated with the Queensland University of Technology for about a week, We had a mission to create an upgraded model of our herbal garden at Green School. Our plan was to make the garden more intriguing and a place of knowledge so that student can “hang out” and learn about local herbs.
My passion project was very enjoyable. I wanted to see if a plant’s condition changed if I only watered it with Kombucha. To make sure the watering cycle does not get disturbed I decided to create a greenhouse. It is in pilot mode… who knows, I might make another one?

Over these seven weeks, I have experienced an adventure and gain a lot of knowledge. I am glad that I chose to do the program I enjoyed myself a lot. I would definitely do it again. Thank you, Pak Noan for your science input. Thank you, Pak Mo for being mind-opening and fun. And last but not least thank you, Pak Jason, for your amazing stories and tips.
Rock on.

