El Tunche DevBlog 3 — Rumi, the Shaman

Diego Rodríguez León
LEAP Vault of Knowledge
2 min readApr 26, 2017

“The big-eyed shaman.”

Concept art: Rumi travelling through the Amazon rainforest

Our beloved shaman, Rumi, is the first playable character we’ve created so far. Like the rest of them, she’s travelling through the deepest and most magical areas of the Amazon rainforest in search of something with great personal meaning to her. We don’t want to spoil the ending, but I can tell you it’s very closely related to the mythical creature known as Tunche.

Waiting by the fire.

Rumi has two basic magic attacks, both of which have up to three combinations. Through the melee one, she invokes a small red bird that rapidly flies around her, bashing against everything on its path. And through the ranged one, she fires luminous white birds of spiritual energy that create a small explosion on impact.

Rumi’s melee attack.

Since she has a close relationship with nature, her powers resemble animals and plants, as is the case of her special power featured on the gif below. A magical tree grows around her, pushing away and heavily damaging all nearby enemies, giving her space to plan the next move.

Rumi’s special tree attack.

Just like Rumi, all of the characters we create will feature two basic attacks and two special ones, each manifesting in unique ways that will represent the personality and essence of the character that executes it.

I’ll be sharing some more info about El Tunche next week, so be sure to follow us in LEAP’s Vault of Knowledge.

We’d also love to hear what you think of what you’ve read and seen so far about our game; every suggestion helps us develop a game we can all be proud of and enjoy.



Diego Rodríguez León
LEAP Vault of Knowledge

Game Designer y Escritor | Me apasionan los juegos y las historias, no importa el medio | Me apoyas con un café? https://ko-fi.com/dirole2099