Francisco “Pancho” Mora, programmer by day and night

Diego Rodríguez León
LEAP Vault of Knowledge
2 min readAug 25, 2016

“In the end it’s only a matter of changing numbers.” — Pancho, about changing variables in the code.

Who is Pancho, you ask? Let me tell you a bit about him.

Pancho values video games as a form of entertainment and has a deep admiration for the art and technique that comes into play in their development. He admits he has never played a game twice, always going for the ones with great and memorable stories, such as the Kingdom Hearts saga, by far his favorite. Be it action games or RPGs, he’s a sucker for flashy feedbacks.

He got into college hoping to learn how to develop video games through Software Engineering, but was sorely disappointed when he found out the institution’s curriculum didn’t focus on what he was looking for career-wise. Frustrated by this, he started making a game with the help of two friends, one of whom invited him to join a game development club which eventually got him connected with us. And the rest is history.

Pancho has been part of the LEAP family for quite some time now. He started his internship around September 2014, with a highly motivated attitude and a great desire to learn, qualities that made him stay with us for longer than he had originally planned, if he had even planned it.

In all this time, he’s worked in several projects. He started with the first prototype of a certain game; then, he moved on to work for almost two years in a couple of big projects; and now, before he leaves us to finish his studies, he’s fully committed to work as much as he can in Slice and Rise, our latest game and the one he started with.

He also plans to focus on his bachelor’s thesis, which consists in developing a video game played with a Microsoft’s Kinect, aimed to be a physical therapy tool for people with posture problems. He expects to finish it some time next year, contributing to the health and well being of many children and young adults.

We wish him the best in all his endeavours and hope to see him again in the not-so-distant future. Keep on coding, Pancho!



Diego Rodríguez León
LEAP Vault of Knowledge

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