The five foundations of freelancing.

Designing how you want to work requires thinking about the foundations for being able to work, and doing good work. Not just finding the work.

Matthew Knight


Photo by Ewan Robertson on Unsplash

There’s no shortage of content online for the self-employed and entrepreneur.

Endless articles about building your own brand, creating a pipeline of work, and plenty on the operations of running a business.

But there’s a lack of conversation about the foundations of working safely.

No matter how strong your brand, pipeline of new business and internal admin skills are, if you aren’t actively designing a sustainable way of working, when things go wrong, you’ll be in a harder place that needs be.

We think there are five things you need to consider both before you take the leap to working for yourself, and actively prioritise whilst you’re self-employed:

Active Design — figure out how you need to work.
Financial Planning — figure out what your money needs are beyond income.
Working Relationships — figure out how to work well with others.
Professional Development — figure out how you’ll grow professionally.
Mental Health — figure out how to take care of yourself.



Matthew Knight
Editor for

Chief Freelance Officer. Strategist. Supporting the mental health of the self-employed. Building teams which work better.